Drethen cautiously opens the door and looks down to find that the ground is thousands of feet below you. A solid-looking cloud trail, 10 wide, forms a path down the center of the hallway.
The path appears to be 10 feet wide and runs about 80 feet before turning north.
Hunter comments while stuttering slightly, "My legs can't move… who can walk on clouds?"
Sure enough Hunter stays where he is and does not move.
As Drethen makes his way back across the room to the other side, his luck fails and the blue dragon is finally woken from its slumber from the noise of Drethen's heavy armor and adventuring gear.
It lifts its head and it does NOT look happy.
Out of Character: Pushed your luck a little too far. Roll for initiative and actions…
Hunter begins to think that the clouded walk way looks pretty good but tries his luck against the dragon as he starts firing his bow.
Taking Fuascailt in his grip, the paladin says softly to the weapon, "I call upon your aid my friend, a blue scaled fiend to slay." Gabriel wished they could have avoided this fight, yet it appears such is in vain.
Looking to his companions he says in warning, "Be weary, I hear dragons such as these can breath lightning and dig themselves underground." The paladin fear what tactics the creature might use.
Out of Character: I made two rounds of attacks.
Edited: Thomaslee on 7th Sep, 2017 - 6:02am
Ardo looks at the Dragon getting ready to attack and thinks to himself I hope I have enough healing to deal with this.