Drethen will start to pull out the gold and place it on his horse in their sacks and other items that can hold the gold. He will relax some as he does this. After that we can open the other door and see what is behind that door.
Opening up the door to the west, Drethen finds another long hallway that bends to the north. Flames leap and crackle off the walls and ceiling of this long corridor. It looks like it is possible to walk down the corridor without getting burned as long as one stays in the center of the hallway where the heat is least.
Hunter comments, "Now that looks like a human grill, who wants to go in first?"
He stands still not interested in doing any testing at the moment.
Gabriel will bravely step forward first, though perhaps being at a bit of a disadvantage because of his metal armour, and will begin moving first slowly before then more quickly if the fire doesn't impede his progress. He will also watch the floor though, and if it seemed unsteady underneath his feet the paladin will also be more careful.
Out of Character: I'm going to assume a Constitution check might be required, so making the roll. Also, a Dexterity check just in case there is anything which might throw him off balance.
Gabriel finds that, despite his metal armor, he can walk safely down the hallway as long as he stays in the middle of the hallway. The room is, of course, very warm and if anybody stays in the hallway longer than an hour or two, they will start to feel the effects of dehydration.
Ardo looks at the group going forward. Realizing he has a spell for this quickly casts protection from fire on himself before entering the room. He also downs 8 good berries and tosses Drethen another 8 and Gabriel 8 good berries. "Gentleman down them when you need them they will heal you just a little bit each. Hunter since you are providing covering fire with your bow I can just heal you when you need it."