Trying to decipher if there is anything living in either of the rooms he fires two arrows at ground level in each room to see what happens.
"I hate swimming. Could you imagine fighting in water against something. I would prefer mud at least I can swing and hit something. "
"Did you see how my arrows were slowed? There is 'something' here and whatever it is will probably need some magic to affect it. You go first." He smies and moves back to let the others go forward.
Drethen looks around and then steps into the water and starts heading towards the other door. "You do know that no matter which way we go we are going to fight some elemental. I thing water will give us a more freedom of movement than being stuck in mud."
"What if the water goes more than a few inches deep my friend. Also Hunter you can go first before me as I am not anxious to enter water as it will impede my spell casting."
As Drethen steps into the water, he falls with a splash and begins to sink. He quickly finds that the water is 40' deep and he's wearing metal armor as well as sacks of equipment and loot.