Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 532 of 533

Drethen keeps going through the pass. Once - Page 532 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 3rd Nov, 2017 - 8:29pm

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1st Nov, 2017 - 4:56pm / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 532

The Watcher from the Aether says...

Ardo is able to find a large boulder on the other side of the stream to tie the rope.

Using the rope for balance, the party is able to make it safely across the stream as the water barely reaches the underbelly of the camels and horses. The rope did help in that if/when one of the animals stepped with unsteady footing, the rope allowed the rider to remain on the animal and not fall off.

Once across, the party gathers their things and moves on up the trail. A short while later, they come to a solid wall of rock 300 feet high. The only route past the wall is through a narrow gorge. The axe stroke that created Northknife Pass is carried down through the wall in a narrow gorge that climbs the 300-foot height in its quarter-mile length. To the left of the trail, winds a turbulent mountain stream. The trail is so narrow that single-file passage is required, probably afoot. This is a perfect place for an ambush.

Out of Character: : Drethen, your stone horse is always stone. It requires your command to move and act like a horse, but it is always like a stone statue. If you had a 'Stone to Flesh' spell, you could change it to be a real horse which would allow it to heal HP, but after a while it would turn back to stone.

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Post Date: 1st Nov, 2017 - 5:01pm / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

Drethen will head through the pass first with his horse with shield ready and sword drawn in case they are ambushed.

2nd Nov, 2017 - 4:57pm / Post ID: #
Cleric Level 7
Lieutenant / Middle Rear
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Arcane says...

Ardo looks at the group. "Well, this looks like some fun to be had. I guess everyone stay close and keep an eye out."

3rd Nov, 2017 - 11:26am / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master

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Page 532 RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

The Watcher from the Aether says...

The party moves through the gorge.

Some of your feelings are vindicated as half way through the gorge you hear a voice call out from over head, "STOP or be destroyed in a hail of arrows! Free passage will cost you 300 gp and half of your rations. You may not be able to see it, but I have over two dozen archers up here with me!"

As you scan the top off the cliff, you can't see anybody as it is about 250' high. But, you can sense movement as stones trickle down the cliff form unseen movement.

Post Date: 3rd Nov, 2017 - 1:06pm / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

Drethen spurs his horse to get through the gap. "You can come collect it from me once I am through." He holds his shield above him so arrows will have a harder time finding their mark.

3rd Nov, 2017 - 7:46pm / Post ID: #
Paladin lvl 6
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG

The Dawn Seeker says...

Once everything was back in place, and they had gotten across, Gabriel will prepare himself as he had been before not wishing to leave himself unguarded. The voice heard after entering the gorge will lead him to take hold his weapon.

Gabriel will take a moment of consideration with the voice's words, before calling out to whoever had spoken, "You threaten us with arrows, seeking to take from us gold and rations, and yet too cowardly to show yourself. If you dare attack, such an act will only lead to troubleā€¦ and not in the way that you may think." The paladin's warning will hopefully have some effect.

Continuing, he says, "Show yourself, and we shall talk. Otherwise, things may not go as you believe." Gabriel will wait for a reply, weapon at ready, and looks to the others to see if they were in disagreement.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Nov, 2017 - 7:47pm

Gabriel Results:
  • Intimidation/Cha Check on D20 (+0): 12 (1 roll)

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3rd Nov, 2017 - 7:52pm / Post ID: #
Cleric Level 7
Lieutenant / Middle Rear
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 532

The Arcane says...

Ardo seeing things might not goes well takes a pouch of gold off his waist. "Here is 300 gold pieces. As for rations here is an additional 50 gold to buy your own." Ardo then tosses the pouches on the ground for the thieves. "Do not press your luck for that is all you will get for if we have to fight for our rations it will end up poorly on your behalf."

Post Date: 3rd Nov, 2017 - 8:29pm / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 532

Drethen keeps going through the pass. Once he is through he will turn to see if he can find those that have threatened them. He does not take lightly to threats.

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