In Character: "The way I see it we can either tackle the caves you all spoke about or get back on the road we were traveling before and forget we ever came here, you all decide while I do some stretches."
Rethal looks at the door and just shakes his head. "Lets head back to the caves that we were in the process of clearing out. Maybe we will have more luck there." Rethal heads back towards the path through the brambles and carefully weaves his way through.
"Seems like we will be back here one day to finish this place off, but that will not be today." Ardo proceeds with the rest down the trail with rest of the group.
The party heads back down the trail through the brambles and the woods arriving back at the road. You can still see the indents of the areas between the woods and road where the zombies laid buried in the dirt despite the efforts that Mendel's guards took to re-cover the graves.
You head north on the road coming to the point where you need to head off into the woods to the west.
You reach the clearing of the caves at about mid-morning, approximately 9 AM.
Ardo lights up a torch and follows the group into the cave getting excited that is his first true adventure into a cave.