You find that the holes in the wall that the kobolds escaped through were pre-dug. You also find coverings over the holes that appear to be made with the same paper-mache' that the boulder was created with.
In this room you find a fire pit. Around the fire pit are several baskets with find sand, powdered dyes, and several glass objects made to look like gems.
You also find several hollow reeds that have been chewed along with the materials for making the paper-mache'.
If you look down the hole to the north, it's too dark to see anything. Infra-vision doesn't provide any additional clues. You can see daylight in the southern hole indicating that this one leads outside.
"Well looks like we have some nice colored glass we can give to the lovely serving girls in a city to get in cosy with them and some dyes to maybe sell to a clothes shop. I am all for heading back down that hallway and checking out the T junction that was there and seeing about removing the kobalds from there also. Thane do you want to lead the way and check for traps or do you feel it is safe?"
"Feel? I don't know, the only feelings about this place I have are really bad. You can assume the very next step is going to be something worst than the last time. As far as I see its either the dark or the light, its up to you which one you want to choose."
Out of Character: Thane seems to be better with a bow than applying his thief skills.
You make your way carefully back to the T intersection. Moving down the corridor and looking both ways, you see a closed door about ten feet to your left and a long passage that opens into a larger room to your right.
Delgar quietly says "Does anyone see anything has anyone been checking for secret doors a place with all these traps probably has them" Delgar starts staring at the walls as they slowly walk down the corridor waving the torch back and forth slowly to examine the walls as they go.
Thane as usual makes his checks but he starts at the door first and then the corridor if the door appears to be normal.