"I am all for coming back, but this copper would be too burdensome to carry around everywhere while we explore some more. I have feeling if we leave it for here while we explore, those kobalds will sneak back in and relieve us of our burden of carrying back to town."
Thane is still unable to find a device or mechanism for opening the secret door. With Delgar's help, you're able to deduce that there is some special, probably magical, means of opening the door that is not immediately obvious.
"Right, so whatever is here is beyond my skills. So let's try and take whatever we can and exit while we are able to."
Thane goes back to the room where the egg came from, searches it again and starts putting the copper pieces in his backpack.
"Well boys I have a few small sacks and belt pouches. I also have a blanket we could use and maybe chop up some of that goblin rope to seal it shut. Does anyone else have some spare sacks to get this loot into it? Also do we want to try the next closet cave before we head back since it is so early in the day or head back to town now? I am not sure if this is even enough to cover what Thane owes for his bow."
"Sounds good to me. There is some room in my pack. Let's take what we can and head back. There should be enough here to cover a hot dinner, a warm bed, and a little left over for all of us."
Ilthin uses the scabbard of his sword to sweep the coins to one side so that if there is anything hiding in them it will be exposed. If hot he helps everyone load up.
"We just got here why would we leave already also thane has that debt I have some sacks I say we take it with us and explore the next cave we can leave it inside the entrance once we have secured it"
The party, as a group, decides to pack up their spoils and head back to the keep for a rest and resupply.
On their way back, as they're walking along the road to the keep, they notice on the hill to the south an old, apparently abandoned tower that looks to be about 60' tall. At least, that's what it looks like from this distance.
The odd thing about the tower is that this is the first time you've seen it. Everybody is a little surprised that they haven't seen it before.
Being loaded down with coins and the dragon egg, you push on to the keep before giving it too much thought.
Once you arrive at the keep, you are able to change the copper for a total of 60gp and you also discover that the egg, should you decide to sell it, could fetch as much as 2,000gp.