China Adoption Laws
Within this Thread Discussion can be had about the process of adopting a child in this country. Some questions that can be answered:
1. Who is allowed to adopt a child in this country? Citizen / Resident / Foreigner
2. What must you show as proof of your ability to adopt a child?
3. What is the chance of a typical couple being able to adopt a child within this country?
4. Are follow-up visits mandatory?
5. Are there special fees that have to be paid?
6. Are you allowed to choose the age, gender and ethnicity of the child for adoption?
Meet China's abandoned children
The adoption agency has been trying to place JiaJia with a family for most of his life. He has touched the hearts of many staff and volunteers at Alenah's Home, a medical foster home in the Chinese capital that currently cares for 23 Chinese children with disabilities. Ref. Source 1d