Rehab To Overcome Terrorist Ways

Rehab Overcome Terrorist Ways - Studies of Islam - Posted: 3rd Sep, 2015 - 2:41pm

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A new program in Saudi Arabia is offering young terrorists rehabilitation from a life of violence in the name of jihad. A Saudi government-sanctioned program to try to reverse the terrorist way of thinking has already begun to help some participants who have survived their own crimes.
22nd Aug, 2007 - 2:38am / Post ID: #

Rehab To Overcome Terrorist Ways

What do you think about this Saudi Arabia Rehab Program?

international QUOTE
Ahmed al-Shayea, for instance, is recovering not only from being a member of Al Qaeda, but from the burns over most of his body and missing fingers that are the result of an attack he carried out three years ago in Baghdad.

Al-Shayea is the among the newest members to join hundreds of other Islamic fighters, including detainees released from Guantanamo Bay, at a halfway house located on the outskirts of the provincial capital of Al Janderea.

"I would like to say to the American people that Islam forbids killing innocent people," Said the seemingly deprogrammed al-Shayea through an interpreter.

Al-Shayea had dreamed of being a suicide bomber like the ones he saw in Al Qaeda propaganda videos. He was unemployed, 19 years old and lured to Baghdad by a school friend. He nearly blew himself up while driving a tanker filled with explosives outside the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad. The attack killed nine Iraqis.

He ratted out his Al Qaeda handlers, including the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who had flown al-Shayea and 23 other Saudis to Damascus, provided them safe houses in Syria and then smuggled them into Iraq.

"No doubt, they used me as a tool to kill innocent people," He said of his handlers.

Al-Shayea and other inmates say the Internet is much to blame for their indoctrination. Twenty-year-old Saddam Saleh said he got his fatwa, the religious edict that serves as marching orders, from a questionable cleric who he found over the Internet....

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3rd Sep, 2015 - 2:41pm / Post ID: #

Ways Terrorist Overcome Rehab

Many terrorists have their views intertwined with religion and idealism. Those are very difficult to get out of you unless you have some mind blowing experience to turn you away from it. I would like to know what their current success rate is like.

> TOPIC: Rehab To Overcome Terrorist Ways


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