WATCH: Satanists Perform Shocking Ceremony at Planned Parenthood During Pro-Life Protest
This past weekend, abortion supporters protested a pro-life rally at one of Michigan’s Planned Parenthood clinics, and some of these protestors were from the Satanic Temple of Detroit. Fox News reports that at the rally the Satanists had their members pour gallons of milk down their throat in a water-boarding type fashion. Ref. Source 6m
Michigan Satan Worshippers (Hover)
Woman Who Runs a Satanic Temple Blogs Every Step of How She Killed Her Baby in an Abortion
“Surreal” is how Satanist Jex Blackmore described feeling when she discovered she was pregnant while advocating for abortions. Blackmore, who runs the Satanic Temple Detroit, recently decided to blog about her experience aborting her unborn baby in Michigan, where pro-lifers are working to pass new legislation to protect more unborn babies from abortion. Ref. Source 1l
No need to be insulting about it. I don't necessarily disagree, but this country wants you to have the freedom to be as strange as you want in your beliefs and methods of worship/ways you show others your beliefs. As long as you aren't harming anyone, I see no issue in it.
Satanists Defend Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic From Pro-Lifers on Good Friday
Pro-life Christians who were praying peacefully outside of a Michigan abortion clinic on Good Friday faced mockery as they remembered Jesus’ death on the cross. Ref. Source 9z.