The Biblical stories are an interesting mix of mythology and history. We live within the mind and body of God and God can control our minds and put thoughts into them that did not really occur. This universe at our light speed C = 186,000 miles per second is only one of a series. Souls from lower universes have been reincarnated upon this Universe and brought information with them.
Many of the Biblical events actually occurred upon lower universes but did not occur here. Forms of man have been here for about a million years. We come from the chimp/ape evolved line and thus the Biblical stories are mythological interpretations of how we came into being.
It appears to many that Moses escaped from Egypt with a small tribe and wandered the desert desert many years. It was not a fantastic story but God implanted the story into the minds of the Early Jews so that they all believed it to be true. God is very good at mind control and God can erase our memories and put in new data into our minds. Therefore the early Jews believed these stories as physical truth while they were merely spiritual truth.
Why were the Biblical stories so written so that early man would believe them while scientific man would not? If the Bible was physically true then there would be a lot more Jews. However that would defeat God's purpose of producing a tested people for higher salvation. Millions of Jews went to their deaths during the Holocaust believing the mythological stories. Yet they went into the fire and saw their bodies burn but they walked out of the fire quite alive and well and ready for a voyage to the new Earth. They were both innocent and ignorant of the scientific truth but they lived.