I'm Micheal!
I discovered this board through an invitation to participate in Play By Post role-playing game. I do have many interests, basically anything humans do, have done or might do.
I am particularly interested in history, science, books (Fiction or non), art and music. I also love parenthetical comments as I am sure that my inner dialog is as fascinating to others as it is to me!
I will likely stick to the roleplaying for now but will branch out to other topics if I dig the style of the board and get more comfortable. All the rules and guidelines that I read through reminded me of the old BBS days.
Welcome Future RPGer
We are glad that you have taken the time to register. To become an RPGer here is very simple:
1. Post 30 Constructive messages anywhere** in the Community thus proving you are capable of good Play by Post participation.The easiest way to do this is to Post in Topics that interest you.
2. After making 30 Core Posts request Role-playing Game status here, your Introduction Thread. Make sure your activity level is 75% or above. The activity level is to ensure that you are not one of those types that joins and then expect to play after days or weeks on inactivity.
3. Create your Future Earth character following these instructions.