Tech 2 responds with a professional smile,
"A crash? You fainted and fell to the floor, maybe from too much anxiety or maybe from the implant, it does affect some people like that, causes hallucinations in the beginning."
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
In Character: : Artemis, sighs in relief, and grasps Techs hands. "Of course. The implant. How silly of me. I'm so embarrassed. I should have been expecting this." Then she narrows her eyes, and tightens her grip on tech's hands, "What implant? What have you done to me?"
"Oh, did you forget that I told you as part of your mission we will have an implant inserted to track your movements. Don't worry if you've forgotten it must be part of the affect of it - temporary memory loss."
So says Tech 2 with an ambivalent smile. She continues while turning off the bright light and leaving the room,
"Nurses are nearby should you need anything. Just rest awhile and you will be back to 100% very soon, in fact in a couple of hours and then we will send you to team up with some of our assets already on the ground."
As she leaves you notice the details of room better than before. Your first surprise is that most of the walls are see through and you can see what looks like scientists and military personnel walking around. There is clearly someone stationed outside your door.
Then a voice can be heard again, this one slightly different than before...
"Please state your entertainment needs: movies, music, news, weather or scenes."
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
As you stand up you find the room starts to spin, then you realize as you grasp hold of the bed that its your 'head that's spinning'. You feel a migrane coming on as you shakily try to get to the door and talk to the guard who responds sternly,
"Ms. Get back to your bed."
He then calls,
"Medical priority 2 at station 5 right away please."
Tech 2 rushes back and catches you before you fall to the floor.
"You really need to stay in bed for a bit, your mind cannot handle more sensory input right now."
She takes you back to the bed and gently straps you in. You are too unknowing to resist as you hope the room can 'stay still'.
Tech 2 leaves and after awhile the room begins to 'stabilize'.
Then a voice can be heard again, this one slightly different than before and most annoyingly to you now...
"Please state your entertainment needs: movies, music, news, weather or scenes."
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
The news immediately begins to show on the holo screen. The person covering it seems to be talking about the discovery in a melancholy kind of way. Your ears hears the words but the lips of the presenter seems to be moving slower, and even slower.... And darkness.
You suddenly raise up after a sensation of falling is felt within your body. You squint your eyes to see that you are on a small craft possibly a low flyer and strapped in flying somewhere. From your training you know the ship is designed to carry troops from a large ship to the ground.
You hear what appears to be the captain suddenly barking orders.
"Drop will take place in T -10 seconds."
You look down and see that you have some sort of military grade jumpsuit on, a pack and some gear that you do not have time to inspect. A hatch opens and a light points to the point you must disembark. From your position you can see its about 300 feet down.
The captain's voice can now be heard...
"Go, go go!"
GM: Say what you wish to do now.