It is not my place to say yea or nay to anyone one's opinion or choice.
This particular post is to garner the interest and specify what those interests are.
My only concern with 4Ed Dungeons & Dragons is its ability to skillfully played without moving pieces across a physical map and board. I have played 4Ed as a Play by Post and it is challenging without reference points. Uploading maps and maintaining spacial awareness can be pretty complicated for a Play by Post.
What were the things you liked about RQ2Ed that you think were poorly done in other iteration or that may have been left out that you feel should have been included?
We ran into a licensing issue with Lucas Arts Ltd. As much as I would like to run a Star Wars game here, legally can't do it.
Please excuse any confusion. I will continue answer any questions in regards to the published Star Wars Role-playing Games in the appropriate forums:
Star Wars Role-playing Game - Paper
Malcolmshaw's Star Wars Role-playing Game Review
Looking forward to any other questions you might have.
Oh, sorry. I meant 'Future Earth', the science fiction game that JB is running. It seems that could be adapted, thus sidestepping any legal issues.
Name: Kaylan
Title: Game ideas
Comments: Malcolmshaw,
Like you I don't have any interest in Dungeons & Dragons games and their like. I used to GM the 7th Order (Cardassian game in ST universe) but I've not had interest in going back into Trek games in years. I prefer free-form play-by-email games with a small group who like to WRITE. I like to read the details of the characters, their personalities and histories. I'm interested in hearing your ideas if you wish to share, too?
It's good to place a game in a well-known universe, but perhaps in a different part of it. For example, I once had a character in a Star Wars game that was a Royal Guard for Palpatine. But I made the character part of this noble circle of soldiers who were from this ancient knighthood Order. The origin was never to serve a dark leader, but the Guards felt obligated to continue their service. A whole story concept could have been molded on this idea.
You sound like you'd be a great GM and have a seriousness to your writing which I would much respect.