After such a long time there is no consensus despite all the Role-playing Games listed? Someone recently created a Traveller Role-playing Game after this Thread and it took off quickly. I will make another push. Feel free to like, comment or share if you see it. Hopefully it will attract some serious RPGers.
Which PBP RPGs Do You Want To Play? (Hover)
Funny pic, it would have been cool if she was holding an Role-playing Game manual instead of a racket. I think that long list might work against itself. When you provide so many options people get lost in decision making. Maybe that is why the Traveller game started quickly because there was only one option: create character. In other words its either you're in or you're not rather than now having to decide what to play.
I would agree with Play by Posts assessment; I think with so many options it becomes scattershot and then title of the post doesn't necessarily suggest that it is thread looking for players. When I first came across the thread I thought, based on the title, that it was more of a discussion about old games until I read the opening post. If there was a specific game you wanted to play you may have more luck.
This may seem unrelated or off topic but it isn't, I will explain. As part of my retirement from RPGs I've been trying to gather interest elsewhere so serious people can take over the Role-playing Game Boards. Since this Thread listed the many possible Role-playing Games that can be added I decided to use it as a base on other networks.
As some of you may have read on the Secret How To's Board I basically cannot stand FB because the majority of it is based on whimsical ideas and those who love to say things just because they can, but it is a necessary evil to let potential Players know of other things available besides what they may be accustomed to**. Therefore, I joined some 40+ RPG related FB groups in the past couple of months to let them know.
My last campaign yielded the usual results, many liked, some joined, some tried to do rubbish and haters who were deleted or did not get to be Admins here got to hate. Some questioned my methods and though I've taken the time to explain things in the past I will not do so again. The internet has created a mindset of entitlement in that the user believes everywhere they go should have a settings buttons to change things to suit them. They really do not know that the internet is not free, that's just an illusion.
We do not cater for users who feel entitled here, its a Community, not a solo act. Its not like we get money from people or elsewhere by their using the free resources here to play games. The why and how of how things operate here has been posted time and time again in so many different formats and yet people still are disgruntled or 'surprised' because something does not fit their little world. If people do not want to take the time to read instructions then what's the point of posting the same things that you are asking them to read?(2)
The irony is Play By Post by its very existence requires you to read, use your imagination, and then implement a worthwhile response as to what the Character would do in what should be a fun exercise that mixes creative writing with Player choices and maybe a dice roll once in awhile. Its not a time to be offended, demand things change for you or go on the attack.
Therefore, in my aim to prioritize my time to actually help those who want to have a rubbish free environment I've since removed the whole of the last campaign and deleted myself from all those FB Role-playing Game groups, what a relief! Therefore, the end of this is I will also be retiring form helping Game Masters to get Players for their games. If you want to gain Players for your Role-playing Game you will need to do the work. You should also inform them of the rules of conduct here.
I am NOT retiring from the site or coding for you. I will be continuing to add codes or improve current features as needed. This is also true of any new Role-playing Games that are started from the list.
JB, I appreciate what you have done so far. In response to this thread, I am currently working out details for an FFG Star Wars game and also have a Savage World Post Apocalyptic game that I am fleshing out.
Those two are the ones I will be working on and I am sifting through potential players, while I am designing the framework for each of the two systems and settings. Right now we are not able to accommodate either system.
I imagine being an admin of a site like this is often a thankless job,, and can be very frustrating because I think you are spot on about the sense of entitlement that people seem to have as well as a tendency for people online to expect immediate results and satisfaction without having to put a great deal of effort into it. Not being a web designer or admin myself I admit that, while I accept that admins do a lot behind the scene, I honestly have no real idea what that really looks like or the extent of that work.
I appreciate the efforts you have put into this site and the help you provided me in establishing my campaign, and I'm glad that you did do some recruiting on social media because if I recall correctly that was how I found this site. One thing I have found to be true though is that if you are willing to do the work for others, they are generally willing to let you and complain when it doesn't go the way they think it should. So, I don't blame you at all for taking a step back and refocusing.
Its also frustrating when you are a game master and you put a lot of time and effort into a game but then it just fizzles and dies because the GM is the only one putting anything into it while the others are sitting back waiting to be spoon fed their entertainment; truth be told I'm probably venturing into a related thread that discusses dependability.
One another note, while it fresh in my mind. A fair number of your long time players are here because of that long time association. The Play By Post games I have been envolved with are much the same.
What new players are experiencing is that familiarity period. Is there that trust? Building relationships of trust between players and GMs, isn't a magic show that happens all of a sudden.
So while we would like "new" Life in the boards, maybe we should work on a word of mouth campaign, going through our circle of friends and not FB and social media.