Ancient Aliens
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Ancient Aliens (Hover)
Ancient Aliens - Season 04 , Episode 03 - "The Greys" - The Grey Alien race of extra-terrestrials has become a pop-culture phenomenon that continues to capture the imagination and attention of governments, citizens and all who have ever uttered the word abduction!
If any of you like UFOs and aliens but in the past and the ancient times (Or even not long ago from now) then this is one is recommended for you. This show contains mysteries of who are these aliens and why they have come to this Earth long ago. I find this is a really good show, I enjoy every episode that I have watched from this series I find this Ancient Aliens show exciting especially the mysteries and questions contain on it.
Season 08, Episode 09 - “Alien Wars”
On March 19th, 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested for hacking into 97 Pentagon and NASA computers over a 13-month period, in what authorities call the “biggest military computer hack of all time.” McKinnon claimed that he found evidence of a secret American space fleet, by way of a list of dozens of “non-terrestrial officers” and their assigned spacecraft, replete with USSS (United States Space Ship) monikers. Might the United States military really have a secret space program? And if so, are we preparing for a space-based war with other nations… or other species? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest that there are numerous factions of alien races with competing agendas visiting Earth, and that there is evidence they have been in conflict with each other for thousands of years. According to these theorists, there is evidence that these wars actually took place here on Earth in the distant past–not between gods, but between extraterrestrial visitors.