Poison Type D4 - Assassin's Hand Die
Based on your experiences what for you was the Poison Type D4 - Assassin's Hand Die's rating, pros and cons?
Poison Type D4 - Assassin's Hand Die (Hover)
A shadow skulks through the banquet hall, carrying with it a deadly toxin to assassinate the king! But how will the assassin strike?
A player discovers a vial of green liquid in a dungeon - poison! They uncork it to determine it's contents, but how much danger are they in?
The GM needs a new poisonous attack on the fly - but how will the toxin be delievered?
The poison type d4 can answer these questions - but not really more, because, you know, it just has poison types on it - for players of all sorts of role-playing systems.
Honestly, I don't see much of a need for this kind of die. In most instances, the kind of poison a character is exposed to would be pretty obvious. Dart trap, say on a door or chest? Obviously injury-based. Gas traps are inhaled, and the most difficult to defend against, as well as being able to hit whole parties at once. Contact is a sneaky poison, but much more specialized, what with many adventurers wearing gloves and/or gauntlets. Ingested poisons are for the unwary or desperate, but also should be fairly obvious to what kind of poison is present. Poison, like the handling of dragons, probably should not be random too often.