Oh my!, absolutely not. I'm sorry but children should not have this ability. My goodness, unless you know every one of your friends, and from what I've heard you often don't in our never ending quest to share as much information as possible with the largest audience to likes, this is incredibly dangerous. You never know who is following you and if they are up to no good. Even adults should be very leary of using this.
Social media culture can encourage risky and inappropriate posting behavior. Young adults who adapt their behavior to match a social situation are just as likely to post offensive content online as those who act impulsively, according to a new study -- suggesting there's a wider social media culture that encourages risky behavior. Source 7s.
Yeah social media is a very big danger to teens that do some risky behavior. I know a girl who has posted some of her videos of her giving oral pleasure to guys on YouTube. She feels that it is normal behavior for her age group and does not understand the big deal.
Yeah, they aren't old enough and their brains are still maturing and they make decisions that will impact them for the rest of their lives. Unlike in my time, when all you had to do was get the negatives, now what you put on line is there forever. One day when she's older someone she cares may find that and that could end a relationship. Or it may be found by a coworker and that could cost her a promotion, or maybe her job. Kinds just don't understand this stuff.
Yeah that is just it. I told her friend that she may rethink what she is putting on the internet soon as she tries to get a job or even a nice relationship as you have stated. I found out later that she feels that it is ok and she is not worried still. I guess she knows more than us.
Ya know, we have to start holding those who allow children to do these kinds of things responsible. If she did it on snap chat then the Government should sue snap chat out of existence and prosecute those in charge. These kids are too immature to make these kinds of decisions and we need to help protect them until they are old enough. If she feels that way when she has fully matured then so be it… it takes all kinds. But until then it's up to adults to protect her from herself.
Teens post online content to appear interesting, popular and attractive. Teens work very hard to create a favorable online image through careful selection of which photos, activities and links to post on Facebook and Instagram, according to a recent study. Content that makes them appear interesting, well-liked and attractive to their friends and peers is a primary goal for adolescents when deciding what to share in digital spaces. Source 6z.