Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores Gazetteer
Based on your experiences what for you was the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores Gazetteer's rating, pros and cons?
Pathfinder Campaign: Distant Shores Gazetteer (Hover)
The Inner Sea region is but a small fraction of the world of Golarion, and it does not stand isolated from the other cultures that call the planet home. Many of these distant lands have influenced the nations of the Inner Sea for millennia through trade, military conflict, and the exchange of lore, faiths, and technological innoventention. For the first time, details on the far-away lands of Arcadia, Iblydos, southern Garund, and Vudra are presented for Game Masters and players alike. Explore one city in each of six global regions, and discover the diverse cultures, faiths, and inhabitants that make Golarion unique.