Yes the rolls need to be 2-12 with the modifier added at the end instead of each dice being modified
Then an option to roll 2-12 and then apply bonuses as you normally do will be a better solution? This might have applications in other Role-playing Games so I will examine the code now.
You did not say if there were other special rolls so I can take care of it at the same time.
The only thing I can think of is there are random tables that use what the book refers to as d66, a range of 11-66
What I will introduce is a starting number with a default of "1" but the Player can choose it to be "2" thus making the D12 selection 2-12 regardless of the number of rolls made.
11-66 is definitely a strange roll. Is that a regular part of the game of a one off thing for the Referee? Perhaps I need to add in a range roll field where any number to any number under 99 can be made.
Basically the system gets the 11-66 range by rolling 2d6 and using the results on the face of them by putting them together. So if you rolled 2d6 and rolled a 2 and a 4 the result would be 24. It is mostly used for random tables and I cannot think of any instance at the moment in which the players would roll it, mostly the referee and so far I've just done it manually.
Just a heads up, we started posting in character in the main thread last week. I know it was thankgiving but wanted to let people know in case they were unaware
Edited: Maiokus on 28th Nov, 2015 - 11:33pm