Sex Offender Caught In Women's Restroom At Church
I was glad to read nobody was hurt, what a traumatic moment for this lady! Glad to hear he was caught.
That's really scary. You go to church thinking everyone there is looking to better their lives some how but others go there to prey on others. The devil in church as it were.
Time and again it pays off to be observant and cautious.
If more church going people would take the time to greet and welcome strangers at the front doors, this encounter could have been avoided all together.
Sometimes meeting and greeting doesn't let you know about them if they are a sociopath. They know how to play the game so they can get what they want.
Ever been to an LDS Church service?
It is almost worse than going to WalMart and getting greeted going to and from the store.
Point being most LDS members know who is a regular and who is "Visiting". Those visitors are then generally introduced to other members and rarely ever get left alone, to end up in the women's bathroom.
That's a good system if it works. There would have to be someone at all exits and somewhat followed when they go to the bathroom which may be kind of intimidating for a legit visitor but its better than having someone carry on their perverted acts.