Please see the latest update for this GM via his Introduction, related response should be placed there as well.
I will give everyone a little time to work out any shared character history you may have to gain a couple more skill points. You will be able to update your characters appropriately as we go, but I would like to at least get things started in the Main Thread. The opportunity to develop those connections and gain those skills will close at the end of this next week.
The stats for the Wildcard are posted in the game master's character sheet for reference. This includes your monthly payments and maintenance costs that are due on the last day of each month.
GM, I guess my invested interests are in the Wildcard. My character has ship shares twice as benefits? Any chance of getting the mortgage or the monthly rates reduced?
Common in his line of work, Marq went as plain and simple as possible. The current owner of the Wildcard ran a business that traded all over. It was easy for Marq to come and go, aboard the Wildcard and the payments he made enabled him to be left alone.
Yes, the ship shares were factored in and put toward the overall mortgage. I put ten ship shares (The maximum per page 36) toward the mortgage due to the age of the ship and then applied both of Marq's ship shares for a total of twelve ship shares applied against the mortgage (12% of the original cost). That should reduce the overall mortgage from 36,567,000Cr. To 32,178,960Cr. If I did my math correctly, which is always debatable with me, I may have actually calculated the monthly payment a little low.
The big advantage you have though is that you are not going to end up paying on any interest so that where it usually takes a good forty years to pay off, the Wildcard will probably be paid off in half the time. "...interest and bank financing cost a simple 120% of the final cost of a ship, and the total financed price equals 220% of the cash purchase price" (Pg. 137) You guys are not being financed per se, you are doing a rent to own deal (Perhaps the former owner owes one or all of you a great debt).
Useful ship skills I have are:
Pilot 1 (Space Craft)
Astrogation 1
Gunner 1 (Turret)
So I could do these unless others have better skills or want to.
Also any input on my post before regarding shared skills?
I read the post about connecting player's characters through terms. While I like your means of connecting Silvertongue, Maiokus, and Shuth, I haven't gotten through all the character information. Hence, I felt it inappropriate to post a comment based on your suggestion until after I had completed reading them.
No worries! Just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the shuffle. Let me know what you think and we can work on getting the relevant skills in order.