Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards
As was mentioned in the latest Newsletter I am retiring from running my personal Play By Post Role-playing Games here. Therefore, I will like for consistent timely Game Masters to take them over. I'm emphasizing this because that's the way I run my Boards. In my Role-playing Games there is a timer, if you do not follow it and do not Post why you can't be there the game moves on without you and to the detriment of your Character as well. While, many may not subscribe to this style of play it fosters consistent activity because Players can always expect that their GM will be there to answer the game rather than aimlessly wait for Players who do not care.
With all that said, I am winding down my own Scenarios and custom copyrighted material. You may therefore like to come in with more popular or even retro Role-playing Games to replace them. For instance, "Be A Super Hero" Can be used by some other Super Hero system once the original creators allow it. So far Mongoose, Paizo and Wizards have been the most open as far as allowing their games to be played in a Play By Post environment but there are others, just not as popular. Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder already have the Member Wars Board so I am not thinking of those, the Role-playing Games you bring in should be anything but those.
I strongly suggest that any GM that wants to take over any of these already developed Boards do so WITH Players already in hand rather than depend on Players already engaged in games on this site. Any questions?
Important / Related Threads:
* List of all possible Role-playing Game Systems
* How To Be A Game Master / Dungeon Master
Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards (Hover)
Maybe the release you need is to be a player more than the GM/Dungeon Master. Once your other games complete, hopefully you can find time to interact with us here as a cohort or a conspirator.
A fair number of games allow for Play By Post format, it is just the licensed artwork and even names that seem to be the issue.
Looking forward to whatever new havoc and mayhem you decide to get involved with.
Name: DrWho
Comments: Besides possibly running a game here are there any obligations to the site that I should know about?
Since you are a Guest you will have to Register and agree to the core Rules and Policies that govern Posting on this site. Besides that to specifically be a Dungeon Master / GM you should read through this: How To Be A Dungeon Master. Your biggest obligation is to be an exemplar of the site and remain active since you will have many following your direction.
Looking For Game Masters For...
* Its likely we will need another Traveller GM given the current game's popularity
* Still looking for someone to take over the World of Medieval Board with something other than D&D / Pathfinder. Options are: Middle Earth, Rune Quest, Pendragon, etc.
* Pure Drama / Collaborative writing - more like comedy in good taste for the Love & Life Bytes Drama Board
* Something more needs to be happening under Mystery & Horror
Thomaslee, are you offering to run it or you are merely suggesting it? If you want to be the GM then please follow the instructions here: How To Be A Dungeon Master. If you are suggesting please see: Which Play By Post Role-playing Games Do You Want To Play?