Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards - Page 6 of 13

Before the Embedded Dice Roll system I created - Page 6 - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 9th May, 2016 - 1:48pm

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  Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB' s Boards To start this process all the Role-playing Games that I now run will be the last ones. I will see the current Scenarios through, but after that I will not open any new ones. This means that I will have Role-playing Game Boards that I will like to be taken over by committed timely Game Masters. (Read More)
28th Mar, 2016 - 3:02am / Post ID: #

Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards - Page 6

I've actually heard of tabletop Dungeon Masters being hired before but that was mostly for game conventions. I don't know if it also happens for forums too but can't see how that's practical.

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28th Mar, 2016 - 11:40pm / Post ID: #

Boards JBs Masters Game Committed Looking

I will not be hiring or charging for anything. Members play for free and if they want to contribute they can do so in any of the suggested ways. My focus here is about passionate people becoming Game Masters and because they already have that dedication Game Mastering here should not be reduced to a dollar figure. If it cannot be so then I guess my old Role-playing Game Boards will have to remain dormant for awahile.

29th Mar, 2016 - 12:40pm / Post ID: #

Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards Reviews RPG & Card Board

There are many play by post game masters out there that would love what you have here for them. Most play by post is just text alone with no character sheets of added enhancements. The main problem is they do not know about here and they may be a bit lazy to uproot themselves from where they are to get used to a new site.

17th Apr, 2016 - 8:13pm / Post ID: #

Page 6 Boards JBs Masters Game Committed Looking

I don't see myself ready to take up this role yet but if the position is open when I am then I will most definitely like to take up a board to carry on a game.

5th May, 2016 - 3:47pm / Post ID: #

Boards JBs Masters Game Committed Looking

I don't mind Dungeon Mastering a game, and will learn a new system if need be. I am currently familiar with Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 and 5e, Pathfinder, Eclipse Phase (Future system), Traveler (Future system), and Mutants and Masterminds 3e (Super-hero system). I have a hard time gauging what systems might be of interest to others, but please feel free to suggest a few to me and I will look into which ones interest me.

5th May, 2016 - 4:32pm / Post ID: #

Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards

Alchyrogue, thanks for your willingness. Besides the Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder ones do you know of others who will be suited towards any of those Role-playing Games you mentioned?

Do you by chance have any experience at all with Savage Worlds or Middle Earth?

While your offerings are most excellent I was hopping for someone to take over one of my dormant boards with a medieval fantasy setting. I have a custom rule-set that is very easy to run if that will be of interest to you. It is very similar to the old Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set but deals only with Body / Soul / Mind and mostly role-play as opposed to skills, etc.

I should mention that we are looking for a Dungeons & Dragons 5e Dungeon Master for the Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Play By Post Role-playing Games.

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9th May, 2016 - 1:28pm / Post ID: #

Looking Committed Game Masters JB's Boards - Page 6

Alright, after looking over as best I can I have made some progress. I do like the look of Savage Worlds and the Medieval game you have setup. I understand the rules of the Savage Worlds framework better than the Medieval (I have a hard time resolving actions that are more RP than skills/rolls and I don't see a good explanation on how the rolls work in Medieval). If you still need me to I can GM either game, but would require more input from you about your system if I GM Medieval.

9th May, 2016 - 1:48pm / Post ID: #

Looking Committed Game Masters JB's Boards Board Card & RPG Reviews - Page 6

Before the Embedded Dice Roll system I created an automated system that did all the rolls for both the Player and the Dungeon Master. You would have the choice to use that or the current default. While, I would love to have you take over the World of Medieval I think bringing on Savage Worlds will be a better starting point since you are strong there and it adds a new game system to the Community. Later, if you think you can be the Game Master for more than one game then we can revisit it?

Now, Savage Worlds is more of a Science Fiction Role-playing Game so your game will go in the Science Fiction Play By Post Role-playing Games Board, however there are some steps that have to be fulfilled first. To start, and get those steps please have a look here: How To Be A Dungeon Master / Game Master.

> TOPIC: Looking For Committed Game Masters For JB's Boards


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