Morfeas, thanks for your interest in being a Dungeon Master, however before you can start you must first fully read and agree to the information here: How To Be A Dungeon Master. That Topic will also guide you as to the beginning steps such as starting a Review Thread.
What you did here: Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Role-playing Game is excellent input about the game system but is not how you start a game. Please see the link I gave you to understand more.
Hmm, I read the topic you suggested. I thought to not start a new one, since there was already a 40K one. So if I understand this correclty I have to make a topic "Looking for players for a 40K Role-playing Game campaign"?
Lots of dungeon makers want to create games but where are the players for all the games they create going to come from? Ive noticed some people get involved in many games here and kind of spread themselves thin so they don't devotee as much time to the games they're already in.
Though my own campaign has been struggling to regain the momentum it had before things got hard for me leading to it grinding to a halt and I have much concern for it continuing, and my posting has a bit slowing in another campaign I am a player off, I do see myself having more time online in the very near future to be posting.
As such, if Game Masters/Dungeon Masters are looking for players I may be interested in joining.
Edited: Thomaslee on 14th May, 2016 - 5:53pm
Name: Terminator
Comments: Most game masters that are dedicated already tend to be part of a forum for awhile so you'll already know they're going to be there and willing. Someone newer is still "Iffy" so you don't know if they will have the "Dedicated" characteristic. At least that's how it is on one site I'm in.
Still Looking For Dedicated Game Masters
The following still need to be filled to cater for dormant systems and / or bring in new genres:
* Medieval Role-playing Game for World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game must be non- Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder.
* Second Sci-fi for Science Fiction Play By Post Role-playing Games.
* Horror / Mystery related Role-playing Game for Mystery & Horror Role-playing Game.
* Dungeons & Dragons 5e for Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Play By Post Role-playing Games
JB, you may need to start telling everyone about here again. I saw you made a mad rush some months ago with your advertising everywhere and that worked so you may need to do that again in order to get more people aware about what you need. I'm also saying that because from my search these boards aren't coming up high in the search for this genre so people might be looking to start a game in a place like this but don't know how to find it.