Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 15 of 149

In Character: : Maiokus starts walking towards - Page 15 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 9th Dec, 2015 - 5:21am

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8th Dec, 2015 - 6:37am / Post ID: #
Baron Gaden Baenre
Retired Star Marine Ge...
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 15

This is The Reaper of Ships, over...

In character: Gaden enters the cargo hold having just left his bunk, bleary eyed and disheveled. "Any plans for this junker yet?" With an analytical eye he scans the room. "Seeing as I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon, anything I can do to help?"

Out of character: Thanks for having me. I'm pretty sure I'm caught up on everything that has happened so far, but if I overlooked a thing or two, call me out.

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Post Date: 8th Dec, 2015 - 6:58am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Baron to speak " In Character" - just type the letters "I C" together. Then what needs to be said in character following it. Same works for "Out of Character" material. Just the " O O C" followed by what ever needs to be addressed there.

Glad to have you aboard the Wildcard.

8th Dec, 2015 - 7:03am / Post ID: #
Rogue Pirate
Novice / Confused
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG RPGs PBP Fiction Science

This is The Cynic, over...

In Character: : Maiokus looks up from the list. "Nice of you to join us Gaden. We got a job and are just getting the cargo bay filled up so we can make a bit of money on the trip to Ruie."

Maiokus gives Gaden a brief summary of the job.

"After we get this filled up and passengers sealed away in cold sleep we should be ready to go."

Maiokus yawns and rubs his eyes tiredly, "Though we might have to bed down for a bit first. It's been a long day for the rest of us while you were getting your beauty sleep."

He puts the list away and begins assisting everyone in getting the lots in and secured.

Reconcile Edited: Maiokus on 8th Dec, 2015 - 7:04am

Post Date: 9th Dec, 2015 - 1:18am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Page 15 RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Once Shuth gets done with communications stuff he will head to sick bay and bunk down. He will get as much sleep as he can.

Post Date: 9th Dec, 2015 - 2:15am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

In Character: Through the intercomm, Silvertongue speaks, "Crew of the Wildcard, welcome aboard. Non-essential personnel should be bedded down. That means if you ain't flying or piloting the Ol'Bird, you need to be getting some rest."

With that, Silvertongue finds his cryo-bed, sets the wake controls for the arrival time of the first stop, minus 30 minutes, and racks out.

9th Dec, 2015 - 4:44am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG

The Referee relays...


The Wildcard now has a mostly full cargo hold (The cargo has been added to the referee character sheet) the low berth passengers begin to arrive and Shuth assists them in getting set up in their cryo-beds and ready for their trip. When ready the pilot may contact the "Tower" for clearance to depart and the ship can begin moving toward a distance sufficient enough to engage the jump drive.

Out of Character: : Silertongue can use one of the cyro-beds but it would reduce the number of passengers by one as he would be using up one of the low berth beds. Also keep in mind that there is a chance of death when Shuth tries to revive you from the bed (Medic check is made adding your Endurance Dice Modifier to the roll, but if failed the passenger does not survive). Otherwise there are four crew quarters available and another six passenger state rooms that can be used as crew quarters; these quarters contain a bed, personal locker, table/desk, and a bathroom/shower.

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Post Date: 9th Dec, 2015 - 4:54am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 15

In Character: Enerri shrugs and follows the engineer bot around, watching it go over the various ship's systems, supervising it as it works. When it starts doing something stupid, he stops it and sends it to the next task.

9th Dec, 2015 - 5:21am / Post ID: #
Rogue Pirate
Novice / Confused
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Active Player Active Role-player!

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Page 15

This is The Cynic, over...

In Character: : Maiokus starts walking towards the bridge. Once there he straps into the pilot seat and presses the ship's intercom. "Prep engineering for undock and eventual jump."

He opens up a comm channel to star port traffic control. "Traffic control, this is the Wildcard, requesting permission to undock."

Reconcile Edited: Maiokus on 9th Dec, 2015 - 5:46am

> TOPIC: Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG


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