![Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
Ajit considers for a minute, and has a few ideas. Responding to Shuth Ajit says "I am going to try to jam the signal by flooding the wavelengths we are detecting it on. I have a rough idea where it is coming from, but pinpointing it enough to target it might be difficult. Hopefully this will work."
Ajit then sets about trying to analyze and identify the wavelengths that the signal comes in on using the sensors and what he knows about which wavelengths they are sensitive to. Ajit then tries to figure out a way to broadcast on those wavelengths and flood them so the signal gets overwhelmed and is no longer effective.
Out of Character: Sensors check using Intelligence to identify the wavelengths. Engineer (Electronics) check to build/modify something so that it can broadcast on those wavelengths. Let me know if you need more rolls or this isn't possible.
Ajit manages to identify a partial signal/wavelength but it would appear that the wavelengths tend to fluctuate making them difficult to pin down. He can develop a blueprint for a device that he believes he could piece together that might help nullify some of the signal on some wavelengths and perhaps buy some time for the crew though he doubts that it will solve the problem outright.
In the meantime I need everyone to make an Endurance check for me with a -1DM with failure (Rolling lower than 8) meaning that your character will temporarily lose 2 INT. The device that Ajit plans on developing will take a few hours, after which the Endurance rolls will not suffer the -1DM and failure will only result in the loss of 1 INT rather than 2.
Ajit gets to work on building a device, though the frustrating nature of the signal makes the work difficult. He also seems to be having trouble focusing. He tries his hardest, knowing that others are counting on him.
Out of Character: Ajit has a +1 End Dungeon Master, and with the -1 Dungeon Master from the signal, then he gets an overall 0, so I am not putting anything there.
Njall will assist Ajit in constructing the device. He has some experience with electrical engineering and two pairs of hands may solve the problem sooner.
Out of Character: : Njall's End is 9, so the negative modifier is cancelled?