In Character: : "Silvertongue, which one is it? I'll try to run interference until we can get backup. Gaden?" Edited: Maiokus on 20th Dec, 2015 - 6:26am
In Character: Gaden grabs his rifle from the ship. "I'll try to set up some chokepoints and fatal funnels incase someone tries to come after us. No one will be catching us by surprise!"
Out of Character: I'm going to make a tactics(Military) check at +2 (+1 skill and +1 edu)
"Looks as though we have sided with the Coalition on this one. Anyone that attempts to board or mess with the Wildcard who does not identify and prove themselves. We take down."
"I am working on further security and getting the Coalition's backing and support."
Yeesh, snake-eyes...
Njall manages to pull his attention from the secretary-birds and chic travellers as he reaches the air-side portal. Got to hire a Stewardess for the Wildcard like that one... Nice uniform....
Wait, what?
Over the comms:
" Krakrefr, you're our explosives guy, what's the status of that device?
Silvertongue, Maiokus - I'm at the exit. I'll hold here and keep a watch for you unless someone needs me."
Positioned just outside the terminal, with a view into the concourse and out to the pads, Njall waits, listening to the comms and looking for trouble.
"I will let security know about the attempt to attach something to your ship" Nahi says "In the meantime, don't do anything rash. It's not always easy to discern who is working for the Coalition and who is working for other organizations. If these are Coalition guys, you can really shoot yourselves in the foot if you react too strongly. I haven't had time to work on who may be interested in keeping their eyes on you yet."
As Nahi is explaining this Silvertongue observes two other men who look as though they could be trailing him as well, when they see Silvertongue look in their direction they try to be nonchalant about it; one goes to a kiosk and flips through a magazine and the other wanders vaguely away from Silvertongue trying to look lost. It is apparent to Silvertongue that these are not highly trained professional agents (Nowhere near his caliber of spy).
There is a pair of security guards talking to each other vaguely watching over people as they pass through the terminal near Silvertongue if he wanted to approach them. There is also a food court nearby and a corridor that appears to lead to bathrooms as well, giving him a few options.
Enerii makes his way down the ramp and to the device, it has been fused onto the fuselage tucked away so as to be inconspicuous and to Enerii it appears to be a homing device of some kind that would allow someone to track the Wildcard's movements (Removing it would be a routine Mechanic check; +2 dice modifier to the roll)
Out of Character: :
Attempting to locate any other person trailing you would be a Recon roll rather than an Investigate roll; with this adjustment you rolled a 10 (Success)
Failing the Mechanics, you will still be able to remove the device but I will add a complication to the scene.
Your tactics check will give you a +1DM to ranged attack rolls as well as Recon rolls during the remainder of the scene until/unless the situation changes significantly.
In Character: : Maiokus returns to the ship, giving Gaden a nod when he enters the perimeter. Once on the ship, he grabs his magazines and ACR and steps outside.
To Gaden: "Hey Baron, where you want me?"
Maiokus sets up and starts to scan his lane for suspicious persons or activity.
Out of Character: : Recon roll Recon skill 0 with +1 INT
In Character: "Why don't you cover those wrench monkeys while they get that thing off the ship," Gaden shouts to Maiokus.