Silver finds Adeline in the passenger common area cleaning up and putting things in order. With his prompting she leaves and heads to the bridge but stops by sickbay on her way. She pops her head in and sees Shuth and Krakrefr, “Hey guys, I think we’re going to be heading out soon. We’ll need to stop at the gas giant and scoop some fuel. I doubt there’s going to be much in terms of passengers or cargo here, which is fine by me since I won’t have to babysit anyone. Anyway I’m heading to the bridge, you want to head in as well so we can plan out or next move?”
After speaking with Shuth and Krakrefr Adeline goes to the bridge and nods to the others as she enters.
"We ought to see if we can pick up something to pay for a ride. 'All tonnage earning, all the time', it's Free Trader Rule One. If no-one else is free I'll walk over with you Adeline."
Silver follows after Adeline to the bridge where he sees most everyone else gathered.
Finding a moment in between the conversations, "If we can get cargo or passengers, I am in agreance to get them and go. I am not sure how or what to do about fuel, but refueling should be done as well."
"As to a destination, we need something better than here. The resort location offers us better R&R but may not get us enough work to take care of The 'Card."
"Alell's a rich resort world, but hasn't got the industry to service itself. Perhaps Uakye for repairs, pick up a speculative cargo and some paying rides, on to Alell? Anyway, let's try for a load here and see which we can get paid to visit."
Still sitting in his seat at the navigation console, Maiokus looks to the crew. "Well I just plotted a course to Allele. It seems as good a place as any to get maintenance done. From there we can perhaps do a bit of research while deciding what to do about this next job offer. I'm on the fence about a safari, but I'm pretty sure Krakrefr and Shuth could use a day or two to go through the Starport library and come up with a good game plan concerning how to put the beast down or set up a trap. Preferably both. It is quite a bit of money after all." He smiles wryly, "Plus I am sure some of the crew would like a day of r'n'r not cooped up on either this barren planet or on the 'Card."