Ok, I did took inventory from our confrontation at the facility. The Referee can arrange what we get. Some are already verified.
*6 slug rifles, 1 shotgun, 6 mags with 30rds (180rds total), 1 grenade launcher attachment, 6 dressing-bandages (Verified)
*weapons and equipment from the radar ambush, (3 soldiers)
*flares and chaffs from the broken pod on Wildcard (We could have gone where it fell to salvage it, if we had time to spend in the area)
*my demo charges back from the radar vehicle (?)
*miscellaneous weapons and equipment left at the facility
*80 dead enemy soldiers in the ambush at the first landing zone. Whatever equipment they had. (I believe the referee will not accept that as it is overkill )
*weapons and equipment from the 12 dead soldiers riding the trucks
Whatever equipment and weapons we get I propose to sell the surplus. All are TL6.
I think the best way to handle the situation overall would be to consider the ships locker stocked with weapons and armor at TL 6. Basically this would mean that the crew would have stocked it with items that could reasonably have been recovered as a result of the action on Ruie.
Rather than saying you recovered X number of field dressings rifles, flak jackets or MRE's etc. A character getting ready to leave the ship on a mission could state that they access the ship locker looking for these items that they may have recovered from Ruie. The items would be at TL 6, and again, would need to be reasonable; for example nothing like "My character goes to the ship locker to see if they recovered any Stinger Anti-Aircraft missiles from Ruie" as this would not be likely. But if they said "I access the ships locker to see if there is an extra rifle or shotgun that we picked up on Ruie" that would be reasonable.
Also, keep in mind that the ships locker is not a large storage facility that is going to be able to hold an excessive amount of these items. It is not purely a weapons locker that holds dozens of rifles and other weapons. It is designed to store only enough mundane items to provide for the basic needs of the crew, and these items include a variety of things beyond weapons and armor. Looking at the deck plan it suggests that the ships locker is no more than 1.5 x 1.5 meters or about 5x5 feet; that is a pretty small space to work with.
I believe you do have a little bit of cargo space left; if you want to sell some of the items, rather than going based on specific numbers I am willing to say that your savaging of the battlefield/soldiers would net you approximately one-half ton of basic weapons/armor (With a base price of 50,000 credits per ton); would this work?
I am fine with 50K Creds. Sell the weapons and we can arrange possible medical loot and the ammo we have left? Or I am too greedy? For sure we have more than enough weapons to hide in the Wildcard for those extreme emergencies.
I agree, sell for 50K. I also think Enerii should go for science. It's a good afterlife, helping others to live better. If you get a chance to sell Njall for parts when he's dead, he's all for that. Reuse, recycle.
Edited: Bindoner on 5th Apr, 2016 - 11:00pm
Out of Character: Going through Enerii's personal effect, Silver finds an Organ Donor Card signed 2 months before we departed for Ruie. "Hey guys, looks like Enerii gave us a way to take care of his body."
50K is good. How will the weapons stashes work? Let Krakrefr and Gaden determine logical places and equipment to be stored there?
What maintenance can be done for The 'Card now?
Silver is more concerned that Adeline keep his secrets and he might have agreed to 5K a month to have her keep quiet. That woman can weasel out the most complicated secrets out of a clam. Nothing is safe with her.
Sad thing about Loriel. Hopefully the Sergeant from the Fiends fairs better.
Just a note, as there seems to be a little misunderstanding and I apologize if I didn't do a very good job of making it clear, you have one-half ton of weapons/armor and the base price for a full ton is 50k; this is basically an opportunity for speculative trading rather than an outright offer from Whanga.
You will have enough weapons to fill your ship locker and stash some around the ship (Within reason) and still have the 1/2 ton of cargo to sell.