Since the campaign so far is going great, I am thinking to make a comic based on it. Do you have any problems with this? Obviously it would be online and free for everyone to read.
I think that would be awesome! I wonder if there would be a way to link it to this thread somehow?
I am also all for this. If you need help with it, just let me know. I am pretty handy with writing and image manipulation.
I can start a thread, or an admin can too, when I will have the first things set up. Alchyrogue there is no need for script, we already have it written. I may do it in black and white, like in '80s style science fiction comics (Judge Dredd, 2000AD, or even the Traveller artwork etc).
I just want to make sure I know where everyone is before I post any further action. As I understand it we have Adeline and Ajit on th bridge; Silver, Maoikus and Gaden are in the cargo bay. The term used was docking bay though so I’m not sure if you are referring to the cargo bay or the airlock area?
I’m not sure which airlock Krakrefr is refering to. I thought there was only one airlock? He is near the engine room though correct? Are you referring to the two hatches located at the aft of the ship?
Edited: Aericsteele on 14th May, 2016 - 1:53am
Ah, I think we have kinda been using cargo bay and airlock interchangeably. I believe that we are all at the airlock where the other party will board. At least that is where I had Gaden make his tactics and recon checks.
Yes, Krakrefr is at the hatch in the engine room area that leads outside. I was too confused about the airlock/cargo door. Nevertheless I am at the engine room. I suppose it is large enough for me to fit?
I do not want to disable permanently their ship, that's why I thought to enter, aggresive, into their bridge.
Edited: Morfeas on 14th May, 2016 - 10:36am