Aericsteele you get my vote for best narration of a "Meatbag".
Poor schmuck. Getting sucked into space while your insides get squished into jelly and your bones are splintered and shattered. Not a way I would choose to die.
Alchyrogue thanks for the technical details.
Good luck to the rest of you on your upcoming actions.
I wait my turn then, I am after Silver if I am not mistaken. Ajit thank you for your technological input, but I guess the glass, especially on the bridge, would be durable as hell. I will try to crack it open, maybe with Strength? My character is dexterous not strong (Borderline to not have minus rolls). I don't know if the LasCAR will be good to make a larger hole and I do not think my shotgun can work in the void. (I guess with the proper ammo it should).
I don't think a roll is necessary at this point. The window would be weakened sufficiently that Krakrefr should have no trouble using his weapon to break it down further. I think you are correct though that shotguns might have some issues operating in a vaccum unless they are higher tech/designed for it. Anyone have the answer to this? Im not sure its in the rulebook but I will take a look.
The gun will fire alright, but the recoil will propel you away from the target…
Bindoner quoted the relevant bits, but I believe Krakrefr has magnetic boots holding him to the ship that should prevent him from floating too far off. I imagine the blast might push him a few centimeters off the ship, but the magnets should still be strong enough to pull him back down to it with no issue (Again Zero-G skills would help).
Edited: Alchyrogue on 26th May, 2016 - 11:31am
Silver, I believe it's your turn to take an action if I am not mistaken. And it looks like you may be in some danger!