Silver: When you are recovered enough to fire the thing (Commiserations on your snake eyes):
Body pistol from Core Book:
Ajit: for interrogation in basic MgT Persuade is favourite. Social Science: Psychology, Streetwise or Diplomat will do if you pitch it right. The Mercenary book brings in the interrogation skill.
Yea I had read online that other books brought in the skill, but a) I didn't know if we were using those other books and b) I don't have them to look further into it. I didn't know which skill to use in place, so thank you for your input.
Aericsteele, do you want me to roll a persuasion check? It'll just be a strait 2d6 roll, though I could see a gun combat roll maybe adding a modifier, since I am using the gun to intimidate him more. Would that be modified by strength, intelligence, or Social characteristics? I would say intelligence because that is Ajit's strong point, so he would try to trick the guy into talking more than just straight intimidate him or 'out-class' him.
I think the Persuade skill would be the most appropriate. The skill definition references bluffing, intimidation, bribery, etc.
Alright, well to avoid messing with the order of things in the main thread, I'll roll here. Going for an intimidating persuasion roll. I will roll Gun Combat too, so Ajit can use the gun to intimidate his target more. However I am not sure what the base skills should be. So I will throw up the rolls and let you decided how much to modify them.
For Gun Combat I have a +1 from skills for sure. I am not sure if you want to use something like dexterity (+0), strength (+0), or intelligence (+2) as the base characteristic. Assuming that goes well, hopefully it can modify the persuasion (Intimidation) check, which I assume will be based on strength (+0), but I think knowing the right things to say and kind of feeling your way through it (Aka an intelligence characteristic) would be more helpful (+2). But I have no training (Ranks) in persuasion, so I guess a -3 is needed.
Njall's character sheet still shows him as wearing a flak jacket and no Vac suit. I'm assuming he does have a Vac suit but I'm not sure where you referenced him donning it. Could you provide me with a link to the post in which he donned the Vac suit so I can verify that before he goes EVA?
Posted on page 55. I forgot to update the character sheet. I think I was asking if that was alright, then things moved on.... I'll take either situation - HEV of not. Of course, if it's non-Vacc suit then Njall moves to the locker where the suits and the toolkits are and either dons his suit or fetches tools to open the airlock as appropriate. Either way, not really contributing to trhis round.
Ok, I see it now. Just remember to update the character sheet please. I will post something hopefully tomorrow.