How does everyone want to handle reward payouts?
We should stow some away for the ship. What do you guys think will be a good percentage?
I like the 8 way split, but:
Perhaps the first priority ought to be the ship costs. After all, the ship is our home.
Put any earnings into the mortgage payments/fuel/life support/maintenance first.
When that's paid off divide the remainder into equal shares - 1 for each crew member, 1 or 2 for ship contingencies.
Another question is how do we handle front money for speculative trade? Everyone puts in what they want to risk, equal shares, whatever is in the ship fund?
* The SRD has the core rules for MgT ( minus things like specific careers ), so it gives the parameters for stats and skills, explains skill chains, gives thumbnail descriptions for what a skill allows. A lot of the answers to rules questions are in there.
I agree with Njall. Though the 10% might work, probably be better to set it aside first and then divide up the rest of the monthly earnings.
Will the referee let us know when bills are due?