I hope that things go a bit better now that we have something to focus on. Maybe lazer them off.
Out of Character: Goofed up on my rolls on main thread. He has +1 on life science - Biology since this is a living organism he may have some clues. Correct rolls added here.
I know, 8 out of 12 is surprising hard to hit for us (With a 0 modifier). Hopefully we won't suffer too much. When can Ajit try to match the frequency again? I assume he would notice that the psychic symptoms are getting worse and know that he didn't quite find the right frequency.
So I just wanted to do an analysis for our own knowledge of rolling 2d6 versus 1d12 (Restricted to 2-12). The breakdown follows:
FoM | 2d6 | 1d12(2-12)
2 | 1/36=.03 | 1/11=.09
3 | 2/36=.06 | 1/11=.09
4 | 3/36=.08 | 1/11=.09
5 | 4/36=.11 | 1/11=.09
6 | 5/36=.14 | 1/11=.09
7 | 6/36=.17 | 1/11=.09
8 | 5/36=.14 | 1/11=.09
9 | 4/36=.11 | 1/11=.09
10 | 3/36=.08 | 1/11=.09
11 | 2/36=.06 | 1/11=.09
12 | 1/36=.03 | 1/11=.09
Mean | 7 | 7
St.Dev| 2.42 | 3.16
So you have a better chance of rolling low or high for 1d12 (2-12), but a worse chance of rolling in the middle. If you want consistently stable results of around 6-8, then you should roll 2d6, but if you want to try for higher (And are ok with lower rolls too), then you should go with 1d12 (2-12).
EDIT: I guess we can't do tables here :(Hopefully you can read it.
Edited: Alchyrogue on 13th Mar, 2017 - 4:22pm