Shadow Poet, an acrostic poem I wrote while trying to determine what to write about.
Silently contemplating
He sits in the dark
Ambitiously scribbling
Dreams previously untold
Ostentatious and eloquent
Willing his expression into existence
Pondering the
Onerous task
Exacting and
Triumphant in the end
I watched Finding Forrester with my daughters last night. Back in college I wrote a couple of poems about the film as part of an assignment in a creative writing class. Here's the acrostic, I will post the other one when I find it in this stack of papers I still have.
Avalon Sunset
Auspicious beginning
Vague longing
Attrition of events abused and exhausted
Land of uncertainty
Omen advent of change
New beginnings abound
Searing ember
Ultimate force of nature
Never dies
Shines in the heart of mankind
Eternally beautiful
Timeless bliss
I managed to find the other poem I wrote on Finding Forrester. This one is a quatrain.
Passing of the Torch
Raised among the urban streets,
The young prodigy with mentor meets.
Hiding amid mediocrities veil,
Test scores cause mothers heart to sail.
Wizened sage agrees to teach,
Young prodigy's goals are within reach.
While youths skills are ascertained,
Vile professor does attempt to restrain.
Students bullied into submission,
Young prodigy enters war of attrition.
Beaten back, abridged, and shamed,
Prodigy's writing professor defames.
Enter mentor under school's roof,
To read a writing for the professor aloof.
The words enigmatic professor doth praise,
To be left dumbfounded and dazed.
'Tis prodigy's words mentor announced,
The one professor attempted to trounce.
The crowds applause brings mentor pride,
As into the sunset he takes his final ride.
With Valentine's Day three months away, I'm going to share part of acrostic poem I wrote. Feel free to use it as a basis of a poem for your special someone Insert their name after "I Love You" And have fun with it!
I Love You
In my
Life I've found that
Only your love sustains me
Vexing as I may be
Every time
You smile I know that
Our love is
Oh, Bright Fair One…
Oh, Bright Fair One, at last we have met,
Forever in my memory is this day set.
Great things lie ahead for thee,
So many things to for you to see.
A special time has come for you,
Long awaited for things to do.
Your future has only just started to shine,
I have no doubt things will be fine.
Trials await you in coming times,
Never forget love shared in rhymes.
Oh, Bright Fair One, joyous is my heart,
Your enchantment is a loving start.
A Queen I know you eternally to be,
Your beauty with many layers to see.
Oh, Bright Fair One, what a wonder you are,
Becoming in my sky it’s brightest star.
What is to come, I know not…,
Yet, such things should be sought.
Oh, Bright Fair One, your future bright,
While ever growing your power and light.
I adore you already with tenderness deep,
Dreaming of you even in times of sleep.
I cannot wait to see what is in store,
And will enjoy exploring your very core.
Now, this poem for you have I gifted,
To forever keep your spirit uplifted.
For my soul rejoices at you in sight,
Raising me to new loving height.
Oh, Bright Fair One, know you the call,
Of my heart to your own this Fall?
~December 7th, 2014.
The Warning
"Be mindful, My Heart, and remember the call.
Quiet, oh My Mind, and listen or fall.
Be still, My Soul, remember your hall.
"Stars burn and die; remember their light.
Beware of the Enemy of your soul, and fight.
Remember thy weakness… your goals in sight.
"Oh, My Heart, beware of such fire!
Dear Soul, careful or thou shalt tire!
Precious Mind, remember thy dire!
"Shadows there are in such times.
The Three together make these rhymes.
Remember to shine even in grimes.
"Be thou careful, oh Beloved Heart!
Make not thy Soul have such a start!
Shield, oh Dear Mind, from the dart!
"There is still a great deal to come.
So do not be so foolish and dumb.
Quiet the Three from this hum."
Counter Despair
He lifts her head from silent shame
His spirit to rekindle her beautiful flame
Down they put her over Time
Thus he answers with this rhyme
No more does she need to cry
One awake to stop her die
For death is not a choice
To many others she is a voice
One little self she can never part
The only thing that mends her heart
But not alone on this road she goes
This is true, and now she knows
For Tiffani: Adopted Sister, in answer to her own poem of sorrow…December 20th, 2014
A Dragon’s Vow
“A dragon soars among the stars at night
Always seeking for one so fair and bright.
The star is you, my Eternal Heart,
The moment we met from the start.
The body is easy to claim and desire,
But the heart is a difficult kind of shire.
Yet, does my heart belong to thee,
For all Eternity…to smile and see!
Not Queen of our home alone are you,
For you rule my heart full and true.
Light and Dark do we fully share,
Uniting in love so deep and fair.
Dragons mate for their entire life,
Even in darkest moments of strife.
For life is not enough here and now,
Eternity with you is this dragon’s vow.”.