The More Effective Killing Machine
Name: Panzer
Comments: if one merely stacks up military dead, Germany was more efficient than the Allies. 12,000,000 allies to 8,000,000 axis says something. About 5,120,000 axis dead were German, 7,700,000 Allied dead were Soviets.
The Germans have a long history of warriors. From the Teutonic Knight to the SS troopers. All be it mislead at times. They have had some fine soldiers.
If it were not for the American troops the Nazis probably would have won. Not that the allies didn't fight. It just took an Idealistic, unpredictable, and overwhelming soldiers to get the job done.
And Hitler made some stupid mistakes, thank god.
The Germans were tough.
They also had some great scientists. We are just now getting in to some of the theories that they had.
Name: Johnno
Comments: Hitler' biggest mistake was fighting with Russia and America. Some people may have heard this but I'm going to write it down.
Hitler should have attacked Russia dressed like America or vice versa (maybe even both) and let them destroy each other. A little bit like what he did with Poland, dressing up like the Polish soldiers, let them attack a German (radio)base, and there you have a argument to start a war.
But luckily he didn't do that or I was probably speaking German today...