Players can monitor the GM's Introduction and ask him if he is well. There is also the Role-playing Game's Review Thread where you can state your opinions about the game without interrupting game play.
Keep in mind this is a Community, yes we play Role-playing Games and Discuss Topics but we need to see that behind each Post was a real person that made it happen. The people here are human and may have real life issues outside of this site. In addition to this, Moderators and I also monitor Role-playing Games in case they need some kind of help.
The idea of the nag button is not so much about "You're not playing" as much as "You have not given a REASON for not playing". For instance if you knew a Player was in the hospital there would be no reason to nag.
Nag Button Functional!
I have edited the first Post of this Thread with some new information about it. Game Masters can test it on themselves by going to their own Character Sheet and Nagging themselves. Of course, if you encounter any problems please let me know here.
I should mention that two Role-playing Games were recently used to see if the Tag Bot could get less active Role-playing Games invigorated and their Players to Post more often or turn up initially - BOTH were successful in that the Players all turned up in less than a few hours some within minutes. Therefore, do not be afraid to use this!
I do not see the nag button on the character sheets of my players, it is not next to the game master edit button, although I do see the section in the text field that says "Last nag (Warning):"
This is a welcome addition to the forums. I feel that personally I would only use the most extreme options after, say, 3 days without a post. It would be good to have a nag that gets a player to check the GM notes box on their character sheet as well. That way it avoids me asking openly and possibly spoiling a surprise. Edited: iCon on 8th Dec, 2015 - 6:30am