I know what you mean but I'm talking as a player since I don't run any games here. See, i've been a member for a long time but only just joined a game after sitting low for some years. Thing is I made the effort and still do it on my own to play no one is cheer leading me from the sidelines. From what I've seen some people need that in order to play. I'm not saying that's you but that's how some people are you know what I mean?
We, as gamers, should encourage new players. This is a hobby that's pretty niche and can be challenging to get into. We should be encouraging and celebrating of newcomers. That's the only way the hobby will grow.
Too often, gamers embrace sort of an exclusive mentality, where we feel people have to pay there dues, like we did back in the day. That's a self defeating stance that drives people away.
I think there is a difference between encouraging and babying them. First time here? Sure we show you the ropes and stuff but now you're in the game and that should be encouragement enough cause then you need to do your part and pull your weight. We all have real life issues and when we get on here might be just to post once and run because boss is [calling], exam is pending or baby is crying!
Running Secondary Adventures
Some Game Masters may wonder how to get a new Character to be part of a party that is far away from a starting location. This is where thinking out of the box will have to come into play because as the title of this Thread says, "Don't break a new player's enthusiasm" by making them wait for 'just the right moment'. That may wok in a live session around a table but in Play by Post you have to improvise by making it a fast process because Play By Post is already a slower than usual art form..
In order to incorporate new Players into an existing game with some relative logic and speed you can do any of the following to bring them into the main game in quick time: "Character" refers to the New Player's Character.
1. The Character was kidnapped or robbed and the main party finds them. The original equipment is found some place not too far away.
2. The Character was also sent on the same mission but from a different person with alternative interests.
3. The Character was paid to follow the original party to ensure the boss' assets
4. The Character comes out of a nearby village or place the party is visiting rather than the original location that the party came from.
5. Ahead of time you can always make sure to have places in your story where new Players can come in. For instance if the new Player is a hunter you could say the Character was hunting when the party approached.
So, prologues. As a GM, I lurve prologues. Should they be run in separate threads to keep the flow of the narrative complete and accessible, or woven into the main game thread? I'd prefer separate threads, personally.