Traveller Hero (Hero System)
Based on your experiences what for you was the Traveller Hero (Hero System)'s rating, pros and cons?
Traveller Hero - Hero System (Hover)
Traveller Hero (Hero System) materials:
Book 1: Adventurers in Charted Space: Character Creation, Psionics, Combat and Races, Rob Bruce, Kevin Walsh and Randy Hollingsworth (2007) Comstar Games
Book 2: Adventure in Charted Space: The Imperium, Gadgets, Vehicles, Robots and Starships (2007)
Golden Age Starships 1: Fast Courier
Golden Age Starships 2: SW Patrol cruiser
Golden Age Starships 3: Archaic Small Craft
Golden Age Starships 4: Boats and Pinnaces
Golden Age Starships 5: Cutters and Shuttles
Golden Age Starships 6: Corsair
Golden Age Starships 7: Modular Starship
Golden Age Starships 8: Armed Free Trader
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