Mega Traveller - paper

Mega Traveller Paper - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 20th Nov, 2014 - 9:23am

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Science fiction role playing game at its best
Post Date: 3rd Jun, 2004 - 12:13am / Post ID: #


Mega Traveller - paper

Mega Traveller

Have you played one of the oldest future Sci-Fi Role-playing Games ever? Traveller and then Mega Traveller set the stage for a lot of other Role-playing Games and their related scenarios. What is your review?

Mega Traveller  - paper
Mega Traveller - paper (Hover)

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21st Oct, 2004 - 11:03am / Post ID: #

paper Traveller Mega

I have not played many Sci-Fi based RPGs, but this is the start of it all. I liked the way characters were generated as it seemed to be half the game right there with every year being calculated based on your choices and a little bit of dice play.

Post Date: 15th Apr, 2005 - 4:18pm / Post ID: #

Mega Traveller  - paper
A Friend

Mega Traveller - paper Reviews RPG & Card Board

Traveller is very fun. Its a lot better than gamma world. 20 years ago it was the science fiction Role-playing Game of choice. I dont know now with so many others to choose from.

Rather off topic, but...

Has anybody tried StarGate or Star Wars or Star trek or Inquistor?

25th May, 2010 - 6:34pm / Post ID: #

paper Traveller Mega

Is this what you based Future Earth off of JB? I looked up some of the character generation and skills and it seemed familiar.

27th May, 2010 - 12:13am / Post ID: #

paper Traveller Mega

I did get some ideas from being a Mega Traveller fan myself, but Future Earth is definitely NOT the same. It is a lot simpler where the focus is on you handling your character than going through terms of service learning skills.

27th May, 2010 - 12:26am / Post ID: #

Mega Traveller - paper

I got to make a couple of characters and play once or twice, and once was at a convention so I didn't exactly get to familiarize myself with it much then. It was ok, I kinda liked the anachronism of being able to make a barbarian that traveled around on a starship and visited alien worlds.

My only real main grip with Traveler is the possibility of your character DYING during character creation. I had a debate in another chatroom with someone about this, but suffice it to say, I'd rather play out my character's death. Just because you have a novel mechanic for a game doesn't mean you should use it.

Rather off topic, but...

Has anybody tried StarGate or Star Wars or Star trek or Inquistor?

This is actually how I played D&D 3+ for the first time, I'd last played AD&D 2E before this. A friend offered to GM Stargate and we all agreed to try it so he bought $80 of SG books, got home, shut himself in his room for three hours, came out and before I had a chance to say "how do we make characters?" he said "We need the D&D manual". We were just bumfuzzled. So to get used to the whole system we decided to just play D&D for a while, but eventually I dropped out, a little bit because I didn't get along with him that well, but I have to say he did passably as DM, I just didn't like the system.

My friend began a Star Trek LUG game (Last Unicorn Games) that our group played an "episode" of last year, went fairly well, I liked the system ok, mostly D6 I think, fairly simple, the character creation and skills and attributes are a little confusing, with the way the specializations work, but with some streamlining I think it will be solid. I own the old FASA TOS Star Trek game and a couple sourcebooks for TNG but never got to run or play it.

Don't know Inquisitor.

Reconcile Edited: JPatt on 27th May, 2010 - 12:28am

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27th May, 2010 - 12:32am / Post ID: #

Mega Traveller paper

The idea behind that element in character creation was to make creating the character a game within itself. There was an element of risk making your character too powerful and if you were willing to risk it then go. I think it adds uniqueness to Mega Traveller Character Creation that other games do not have.

Post Date: 20th Nov, 2014 - 9:23am / Post ID: #

Mega Traveller paper Board Card & RPG Reviews

Name: Joshua

Comments: Mega Traveller. The best science fiction Role-playing Game ever created is Traveller. To appreciate that you nee to be part of the game and character creation. Its what makes the game so cool because there is information for everything in the game universe. My only problem is finding people to play Traveller with in my area. Maybe thiss forum should think about starting it up as a Play By Post option.

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