Hello, I suppose this is where I come in. I just stumbled upon this site tonight while flipping through the vast land of "Google". I was really impressed with the coherency and intellect that is generally missing from most forums, so I decided to join. I'm a recently graduated highschool student with a meaningless job that is hopefully going on to higher education next year. I really enjoy a good debate on most subjects, including, but not limited to: Politics, science, sociology and philosophy (My personal favorite). I'm logical, very logical, to the point of anal retentivness (Sometimes...). For entertainment, I enjoy telivision... Way too much. My all time favorite show is "Wondershowzen", one of the most underrated shows of our generation, but that's an entirely different subject (Thread maybe?) I also enjoy movies, but I'm too lazy to list my favorites. I have a very bizarre sense of humor... I will divulge no more on the subject. Hmm, what else? ...I like to use ellipsis... A lot. Thanks for reading.
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