Trinidad & Tobago Hiking Trails
Where are the best local Hiking Trails in Trinidad & Tobago? How many local Trinidad & Tobago Hiking Trails are there and what kind of terrain is covered?
There are many hiking trails in Trinidad and Tobago but the main problem is security. Many of these trails might pass through areas where criminals keep their stash or lay wait for unsuspected passers by. If you do go, travel in very large groups. There are some great trails in the North Post, Maracas, Chagaramas and Valencia. The terrain is all jungle and the sights to be seen are magnificent.
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Is the crime rate really that bad there that you have to be that concerned? I've always heard that T&T was such an amazing place to visit, albeit the person that told me that was going there in the mid 90s to a bit after 2000. He was a friend of mine but he died in Afghanistan. He sure loved the fishing down there. He'd find a charter and go out every time he went.