Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 11 of 12

You can blame the crazy character generator. - Page 11 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 14th Jan, 2016 - 6:54am

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Post Date: 14th Jan, 2016 - 12:47am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 11

Okay, so looks like I did that wrong. Character stats first, I'll build and post following.

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Post Date: 14th Jan, 2016 - 12:53am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

The Box of Brigh is an artifact with unknown capabilities. He was in possession of it the night his parents gave their lives to protect and hide their children from the Inquisition. Instead of protecting him, their magic actually killed him as well, though his spirit/soul never left the spirit plane.

Originally I had it so he could move the gears and summon forth Brigh once a week for 10 minutes. The thought was maybe six (6) effects in total.

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2016 - 12:57am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Ah ok so it's like a pandora's box? That's a very valuable trinket and really puts an edge to Cade but at the same time if even two, or three are some nasty things that would affect the user that could be bad. What effects are you thinking about? Put a list down and we can work with that.

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2016 - 1:21am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Page 11 Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

For a long time after Cade returned from the Plane of Shadows, Brigh's visits were his only companionship. She understood him, and even though their visits were short, Cade looked forward to their breif weekly visits.

[All these are based on figuring out the right gear pattern to turn, which gears to engage and disengage, and which gear is the master for the operation. Essentially lots of research and trial and error. So five functions remaining.]

Potential Box of Brigh Effects
1) Portable Hole.- opposite sides pull away from each other as do the "Top" and "Bottom" of the box. It enlarges in size from 3 inch cube to a 2 foot cube, where the "Top" flips open after fully enlarging.

2) Control Device - a beam of light, strikes the target item or object and Cade gains control of it for a period of time.

3) Unlock a Locked Object - upon activation, the cube is placed over top the locking mechanism, and provides guided verbal instructions to disarm and unlock the lock.

4) Bonus to salvaging magical items - the box receives a magical item and disassembles at max potential. No failure.

5) Portable Work Station - upon activation, the boxes enlarges to a small Artificer's workstation, complete with common tools of the trade.

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2016 - 1:33am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

Ah so this is something you can only use once per thing left. Once you use them their gone? Or do you plan on using these more as time goes on? If you want this as a permanent trinket artifact I'll need two effects to be consequential to you such as damage to you or negative effects to your abilities like -2 on Attack rolls for the next three rounds or something like that. More of a pandora's box then something you've mastered. Randomness and experimentation is an Artificers best friend. tongue.gif.

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2016 - 2:01am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation

The effects will be something he can go back to, maybe once per day/week/month.

1) once/month

2) when used, a device (Other than the box) Cade owns becomes inactive for twice the length of time Cade uses the box to control another device. (The box is very protective.)

3) if Cade fails with the box's bonus to unlock/disable a device, he is rendered unconscious for a number of rounds equal to (2 times the difference between the roll and the target number or difficulty.)

4) the box requires 2 magical items to render a full disenchant with max return. Both items are lost in the process. The first item in is the one to be salvaged. The second item is the catalyst for the disenchant.

5) the item crafted must be of bronze, silver, or both and cannot be a repair. Also requires an original design by Cade to be used.

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Post Date: 14th Jan, 2016 - 6:35am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 11

KNtoran, looking over your character and putting it into the character sheet and we have some problems, with your skills. First you get two favored classes because your an elf. You need to put them down and tell me either 1 HP or 1 skill point towards that class when you level into it.

Also, the monk training has another point into either knowledge local or knowledge history. Since your history is so much higher I put that point there but please let me know if I need to change it. Thirdly, nothing gives you a point in misc for appraise, profession, or survival. I don't see why you have a +2 misc for perception as it's a racial bonus and the sheet I am using has trait as well as racial so I just made the switch so it's not a +4 for that (Laugh). You have 3 ranks as your ability mod is -1 for int so that looks good. So what I need from you is where to put that +1 trait bonus there.

One thing I want everyone to know is the way Pathfinder works for skills is this. You have a max of your level for ranks in skills. So your level one, you can place only one rank into that skill. However you will be given an AUTOMATIC +3 to the misc collum to make up for not being able to put in so many skill points. So KNtoran you have a total of +10 since you take a -1 for int right now unless you move the 1 to local.

I'm doing this automatically as I fix everyone's sheets in case you were unaware of this rule change between 3.5 and pathfinder. We will get it all cleared up I'm sure of it!

Thought you may like your completed character. I do want you to know though that backpack is over encombered and about to snap. You need to find another one or get rid of some of your torches. Ten is to much for a common backpack since you can only have 2cubic feet which one torch is like 2 ft long. Don't think you rolled your money or else I missed it. Going with you having nothing since you may have donated it or something, let me know otherwise. Anyways here is your character to edit your sheet as you see fit.
Half Elf
Monk lv 1
Init 2; Senses ; Perception 8


AC 15; Touch 15; Flat-Footed 13
HP 10; Wounds —; Non-Lethal —
Fort 3 ; Ref 4 ; Will 5
DR —; Immune —; Resist —; SR —


Speed 30;
Melee 3 Quarter Staff (1D6/1D6, X2); B;
Ranged 3 Sling (1D4, X2); B; 40


Strength 17,
Dexterity 14,
Con 13,
Int 9,
Wisdom 17,
Charisma 9

Base Atk: 0; CMB: 3

Feats: Skill Focus, Combat Reflexes

Skills: Acrobatics 3, Appraise -1, Bluff -1, Climb 3, Craft 2, Craft -1, Craft -1, Diplomacy -1 (1 Against Monks), Disable Device 2, Disguise -1, Escape Artist 2, Fly 2, Handle Animal -1, Heal 3, Intimidate 3, Knowledge Arcana -1, Knowledge Dungeoneering -1, Knowledge Engineering -1, Knowledge Geography -1, Knowledge History 7 (3), Knowledge Local -1, Knowledge Nature -1, Knowledge Nobility -1, Knowledge Planes -1, Knowledge Religion 3, Linguistics -1, Perception 5, Perform -1, Perform -1, Profession 3, Profession 3, Ride 2, Sense Motive 3, Sleight Of Hand 2, Spellcraft -1, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Swim 3, Use Magic Device -1

Languages: Common, Elven

SQ Low Light Vision (Racial), Flurry of Blows (EX), Stunning Fist (EX), Unarmed Strike, Elf Blood (Racial), Multitalented (Racial), Adaptability (Racial), Keen Senses (Racial), Elven Immunities (Racial)

Gear: Common: Backpack, Bedroll, Hempen: Rope 50', Ration, trail (7), Flint and steel, Oil, Lamp (10), Waterskin (2), Torch (10), Sunrod (2), Clothing: Monk outfit; Money


Your next...this is going to be some work in the basics but I need some information. Such as how tall you are, weight, hair color, eye color, and age...Also want to note that due to power attack you are unable to take Deny the reaper, Damned as well as Innocent blood. You exceed your max feats and that is a story feat, still a feat though. Sorry bro. Also need a character bio it's blank. I even looked through every page.
Barbarian lv 1
Init 4; Senses Darkvision; Perception 4


AC 15; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 13
HP 14; Wounds —; Non-Lethal —
Fort 5 ; Ref 2 ; Will 0
DR —; Immune —; Resist —; SR —


Speed 40;
Melee 6 Scythe (2D4, X4); P&S; Trip


Strength 20, Dexterity 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wisdom 10, Charisma 4
Base Atk: 1; CMB: 6

Feats: Power Attack

Skills: Acrobatics 6, Appraise 1, Bluff -3, Climb 5, Craft: Weapons 5, Craft 1, Craft 1, Diplomacy -3, Disable Device 2, Disguise -3, Escape Artist 2, Fly 2, Handle Animal -3, Heal 0, Intimidate 1, Knowledge Arcana 1, Knowledge Dungeoneering 1, Knowledge Engineering 1, Knowledge Geography 1, Knowledge History 1, Knowledge Local 1, Knowledge Nature 1, Knowledge Nobility 1, Knowledge Planes 1, Knowledge Religion 1, Linguistics 1, Perception 4, Perform -3, Perform -3, Profession 0, Profession 0, Ride 2, Sense Motive 0, Sleight Of Hand 2, Spellcraft 1, Stealth 2, Survival 5, Swim 5, Use Magic Device -3

Languages: Common, Orc

SQ Ferocity (Racial), Weapon Familiarity (Racial), Darkvision (Racial), Dayrunner (Racial), Favored Class (Racial), Fast movement (Class), Rage (Class)

Gear: Trail Rations (10), Bedroll, Silk: Rope 100' (2), Clothing: Travelers Outfit, Common: Backpack, Waterskin, Flint and Steel;

Money: 29 gp, 9 sp

You don't have a BAB so I'm going to have to ask you to pick a different feat. You can't have Weapon Focus (Whip), you don't meet the pre req's.
Solange of Esylle
Mesmerist (Cult Master) LV 1
Init 2; Senses ; Perception 7


AC 13; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 11
HP 10; Wounds —; Non-Lethal —
Fort 3 ; Ref 4 ; Will 4
DR —; Immune —; Resist —; SR —


Speed 30; With Armor 30; Swim 10; Climb 10;
Melee 2 Whip (1D3, X2); S; Disarm, Nonlethal, Reach, Trip
Melee 2 Quarterstaff (1D6/1D6, X2); B; Double, Monk

Spells Known/Prepared
1st—Charm Person, Sleep
0th—Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Lullaby


Strength 14, Dexterity 14, Con 15, Int 16, Wisdom 15, Charisma 18
Base Atk: 0; CMB: 2

Feats: Spell Focus (Enchantment)

Skills: Acrobatics 2, Appraise 7, Bluff 4, Climb 2, Craft: Jewelry 5, Craft 3, Craft 3, Diplomacy 9, Disable Device 2, Disguise 8, Escape Artist 6, Fly 2, Handle Animal 4, Heal 2, Intimidate 4, Knowledge Arcana 3, Knowledge Dungeoneering 3, Knowledge Engineering 3, Knowledge Geography 3, Knowledge History 3, Knowledge Local 3, Knowledge Nature 3, Knowledge Nobility 3, Knowledge Planes 3, Knowledge Religion 3, Linguistics 3, Perception 7, Perform 4, Perform 4, Profession: Wrangler 6, Profession 2, Ride 2, Sense Motive 6, Sleight Of Hand 2, Spellcraft 3, Stealth 2, Survival 8, Swim 2, Use Magic Device 9

Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Draconic, Terran

SQ: Insidious Personality (EX), Hypnotic Stare (SU), Knacks (EX), Mesmerist Tricks (SU), Painful Stare (SU)

Gear Kit: Sorcerer's Kit, Kit: Healer's Kit, Kit: Grooming Kit, Mount: Light Horse, Clothing: Tear-Away Entertainer's Outfit;

Money: 0
And LASTLY let's go to Malcom.


Firstly, I adjusted the box to bring a little risk as this seems like a dangerous thing to have in your possession and could lead to nasty things, plus it is always fun to play with fire right? biggrin.gif Also, thank god I did this because everyone had some sort of issue with their character sheet. For you you had three feats at lv 1, THREE you understand that right? Second it looked like you just copied and tweaked KNtoran's because the inventory is the exact same and the last trait is one a monk would he does. I didn't include the extra skill point into that and think I have everything fixed that needed to be fixed. You and Jetrothal start with no money because it's not in your character sheet which is whatever. I have been working on all of these sheets for over seven hours. Everyone is good now, fixed, on my computer for easy access, and all is well in the world. Thank you, enjoy your play now.

Potential Box of Brigh Effects
1) Portable Hole.- opposite sides pull away from each other as do the "Top" and "Bottom" of the box. It enlarges in size from 3 inch cube to a 2 foot cube, where the "Top" flips open after fully enlarging.

2) Control Device - a beam of light, strikes the target item or object and Cade gains control of it for 1D4 rounds

3) Unlock a Locked Object - upon activation, the cube is placed over top the locking mechanism, and provides guided verbal instructions to disarm and unlock the lock.

4) Bonus to salvaging magical items - the box receives a magical item and disassembles at max potential. Suffer a spell failure of 25% due to risky operation of box. If failed suffer 1D6 per level of item(S) used.

5) Portable Work Station - upon activation, the boxes enlarges to a small Artificer's workstation, complete with common tools of the trade.
Cadunaer "Cade"
Artificer 1
Init 3; Senses ; Perception 8


AC 13; Touch 13; Flat-Footed 10
HP 7; Wounds —; Non-Lethal —
Fort 4 ; Ref 3 ; Will 2
DR —; Immune —; Resist —; SR —


Speed 30; Swim 10; Climb 10;
Melee 1 Cade's Artisan Hammer (1D6, X2); B;

Spells Known/Prepared


Strength 13, Dexterity 16, Con 13, Int 17, Wisdom 15, Charisma 11
Base Atk 0; CMB 1

Feats: Skill Focus (Engineer)

Skills: Acrobatics 3, Appraise 7, Bluff 0, Climb 1, Craft: Mechanical 7, Craft 3, Craft 3, Diplomacy 0, Disable Device 7, Disguise 0, Escape Artist 3, Fly 3, Handle Animal 0, Heal 2, Intimidate 0, Knowledge Arcana 7, Knowledge Dungeoneering 3, Knowledge Engineering 7, Knowledge Geography 3, Knowledge History 3, Knowledge Local 3, Knowledge Nature 3, Knowledge Nobility 3, Knowledge Planes 3, Knowledge Religion 3, Linguistics 3, Perception 8, Perform 0, Perform 0, Profession: Engineer 5, Profession 2, Ride 3, Sense Motive 2, Sleight Of Hand 3, Spellcraft 7, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Swim 1, Use Magic Device 4

Languages: Common, Elven,

SQ Elbow Grease (EX), Weird Science (EX), Jack of All Trades (EX), Elven Immunities (EX), Keen Senses (EX), Elven Magic (EX),
Weapon Familiarity (EX), Low Light Vision (EX)

Gear Minor Trinket: Box of Brigh, Common: Backpack, Waterskin (2), Bedroll, Torch (10), Sunrod (2), Trail: Rations (7), Hemp: Rope 50', Flint and Steel, Lamp: Oil (10);
Money 0
Also need you to pick three more languages besides Elven and Common. Your INT mod allows you to pick if your interested. If you wish to change your feat let me know right now I left it at Skill focus. Anything you want to fix let me know and I'll look into it but this is good for now. Lastly, you only have one devices you can create so you don't get the ones you listed. You need to make and prep it which takes 4 hours and you are able to use it twice a day (1 + 1/2 your level with a min of 1) if you use it after that you must roll to succeed activating it. Please message me prior to building something though thanks.

Reconcile Edited: Arthos on 14th Jan, 2016 - 6:43am

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2016 - 6:54am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 11

You can blame the crazy character generator.

On top of that I have two Story Feats.

Forlorn : Elves raised outside of elven communities—are accustomed to other races' brevity of life. Although they lose the opportunity to train in traditional elven arts, these elves pick up a bit of their adoptive parents' skills. They gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces elven magic and weapon familiarity.

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