RPG Name: Call of Cthulhu
Description: Call of Cthulhu RPG Chaosium - Based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft
What are your reviews for this classic role-playing game? Would Call of Cthulhu play by post work well? If you have actually used this system please give your reviews both as a player or game master.
Played As: Call of Cthulhu PBP RPG? or
I have played Call of Cthulhu (COC) in a couple of campaigns. I feel that it would fit into play by post very well. It is a game with tremendous atmosphere. It isn't for everyone. COC takes a much different mindset than almost any other Role-playing Game. I don't care what weapons you have you aren't just going to charge in and win. Your characters are peons in a hard, cold universe. Don't get too attached to your characters with insanity checks and fearsome creatures. It's a fun experience to roleplay where you have to use knowledge instead of brawn for the most part. I love horror and for me it doesn't get much better than the creatures and setting that H.P. Lovecraft came up with. Love the books and love the game!