The Game Master's Almanac
A possible new feature. Game Masters will be able to to keep an Almanac or Log of the past to present with regards to their Campaign. This is different to whatever Rules Thread they Posted because it will make a chronological order of the history of a game before the Players arrived, what happened when they started and what is supposed to be coming up in the future!
A good idea, it has a lot of merit in it and might even bring more attention to someone's game if it can't be understood from just reading the messages.
I like this idea a lot because it saves the embarrassment of asking "Can anyone tell me where we're at or where we're going?"
If you ask those questions it kind of makes you look like you can't read or you're not paying attention but it might be something else .
Always some great ideas JB. Just need to ensure its actually updated by the GM or it won't be much use if the game is way ahead of what's in the almanac.
That's cool. I'm already thinking this will also help some game admins to make sense in the sequence of how things happen in the game so its not like a time warp with every game update.
No, the idea behind this is to provide a story format as to what is happening in the current Camping.
For instance:
Past History
BC 10 - Adventures meet and greet [Link to that particular Post]
BC 9 - Conan the Barbarian joined group [Link to that particular Post]
BC 2 - Adventures reach Haborium which is described as 'X' [Link to that particular Post]
AD 10 - Adventurers are supposed to solve the break down of the universe before this date.