RPG Name: Don't Rest Your Head
Description: Don't Rest Your Head RPG Evil Hat Productions
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Played As: Don't Rest Your Head PBP RPG? or
Don't Rest Your Head is a spectacularly atmospheric Role-playing Game that you can begin playing in minutes. Character generation is simple. Answer 5 questions, then off you go.
The premise is simple. You are Awake. You've passed beyond insomnia into a new world, one tinged with insanity and darkness. While you are Awake, you have powers, and you can fight back against the Nightmares that now know you, and want you, if not dead, then part of their world. Preferably working for them, but dead would be okay, too.
Your life is now a balance between Exhaustion and Madness. You can drive yourself to the very brink of both, and while there, you are awesomely powerful. But slip up, and you can fall asleep. . .and they have you.
This one isn't beer and pretzels, despite the ease of character generation and simplicity of system, if only because of where it takes you if you let it. You can explore some really deep issues, or just scare yourself into insomnia. But it's a hell of a ride.