Aberrant RPG

Aberrant Rpg - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 12th Aug, 2018 - 1:37am

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RPG System Reviewed
Post Date: 16th Dec, 2015 - 11:50pm / Post ID: #

Aberrant RPG

RPG Name: Aberrant

Description: Aberrant RPG White Wolf Publishing - Modified Storyteller - Super-hero characters in the near future - Part of the Trinity series

What are your reviews for this interesting role-playing game? Would Aberrant play by post work well? We will love to know how this RPG worked for you as a player or game master... please share your thoughts.

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12th Aug, 2018 - 1:37am / Post ID: #

RPG Aberrant

Aberrant is part of a future history series of games put out by White Wolf, capitalizing off the success of the World of Darkness. Ostensibly, it is a superhero game, and it certainly has many of the trappings one expects of the genre. However, White Wolf was never one to do things the traditional way. The world of Aberrant is dark and multi-textured. You can play it as a straight super-hero adventure game if you wish, but dig a layer deeper, and there's conspiracies galore to trap the mind in endless loops of "Who do we trust?"

The system is straight up Storyteller, with dice pools based on stats and skills, character generation based on allocation of priorities, focused more on telling the story than making the numbers balance. In many ways its the precursor to the Scion system, replacing the word "Epic" with the suffix "Mega-," and it may suffer from the same wonkiness at higher ranks.

To be honest, this is another system I've never actually played. My game group never found the Storyteller system attractive, but I did play that enough to know what I like. And I like the world of Aberrant. It feels gritty, realistic, and comic booky all at once, like a graphic novel for grown ups.It may be flawed in execution, I honestly don't know. But I'd love a chance to find out.

> TOPIC: Aberrant RPG


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