Who has played this Role-playing game called Timeship? In Timeship you play as yourself, you don't play a made up character. Instead you have to select a Timelord, it is he or she that guides you into the past, present or future. You won't be using a time machine either.
Timeship is a boxed set that was published by Yaquinto Publications, the primarily war- and board-gaming arm of Dallas-based Yaquinto Printing, back in 1983, a time when it seems like every boardgame manufacturer was trying to grab a slice of the lucrative roleplaying market.
Unlike most of those other companies, which took the obvious path and released a fantasy game, Timeship is a time-travel game.
Who has played this before? What did you think? I can recall Game-mastering a small group of time travelers back to Sodom and Gommorrah.
Timeship RPG (Hover)