Scion RPG

Scion Rpg - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 12th Aug, 2018 - 4:46pm

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Discuss  Scion RPG RPG System Reviewed
Post Date: 28th Dec, 2015 - 9:54am / Post ID: #

Scion RPG

Role-playing Game Name: Scion

Description: Scion: Hero Modern day children of the gods Role-playing Game White Wolf Publishing

What are your reviews for this variety of role-playing game? Would Scion: Hero Modern day children of the gods play by post work well? What do you like / dislike about the game? Did it come out the way you expected it?

Played As: Scion: Hero Modern day children of the gods Play By Post Role-playing Game? Or See more Role-playing Game systems

Scion RPG
Scion RPG (Hover)

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5th Jan, 2016 - 7:57pm / Post ID: #

RPG Scion

Scion is an Role-playing Game with a terrific premise and sketchy mechanical implementation.

Like most White Wolf Games, it's a dice pool system using d10s. Where the system breaks is how it handles Epic Attributes. Each level of Epic Attribute gives automatic successes, on a geometric scale, so before long, a specialist will be untouchable in their particular arena. That's not an issue when you're comparing a PC to a mortal, but once you start comparing Demigod to Demigod or higher, things get very squirrelly.

Scion's setting and world is a brilliant bit of modern mythology, but a potential GM would be better taking the source material and running it in a system that better models the sort of challenges they'd like to see.

12th Aug, 2018 - 4:46pm / Post ID: #

Scion RPG Reviews RPG & Card Board

There is also a question of versatility. Each purview is given specifically defined powers, and while they are interesting and potent, it also mean that one earth god looks a lot like every earth god. It's not a deal breaker, because there are many purviews to chose from, but it still is a factor.

> TOPIC: Scion RPG


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